Episode Forty-One

Episode 41:  RIP’s (brought to you by Mike the Blogless), movies, highlights, Oscar talk, shout-outs, the Hucklebug sock monkey, fuck-offs, lowlights, advertising slogans we love and hate, SAG Awards dead guy montage, the end.

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7 Responses to Episode Forty-One

  1. ThePete says:

    I like the Jewish Sock Monkey logo.  However, it doesn’t scream “HUCKLEBUG” at me. 

    Oh and the slogan thing—“With a name like Smuckers, it’s got to be good.”  I was talking to my dad a bunch of years ago about it and he said that initially it was meant almost sarcastically because the name Smuckers was such a bad name for any product.  So, originally it was more like “With a name like SMUCKERS, it had BETTER be good!!  Or else our business will TANK!”

    I remember the Trix rabbit vote.  I voted, too!  And I voted for him to get the rabbit to eat.  It was kind of bittersweet since they only let him do it once.

    “I’m Lovin’ It” is NOT a slogan.  IT’S A SENTENCE.

    My favorite ends up being a little racist:

    “Ancient Chinese secret, huh?”

    Oh yeah, and if Barbaro is in heaven now, does that mean he’s accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior?

    Can you even have something personal if you’re not a person?

    The answer to life the universe and everything is 42.

    But what is the question.  I HAVE to be a geek for HHGTTG—my wife is a bigger geek about it—she named one of our cats Zaphod…

    Wow, the security graphic below is “leave69”.

    That’s HOT!!

  2. LilyG says:

    I’m checking out the ice cover in Hades, as I watched more movies than Bet did. I saw “Road to Utopia”, which I find the least of the Road movies, with the exception of that 1960’s abomination where they had Joan Collins in the Dorothy Lamour role (I think it was Road to Singapore).

    And now I’m afraid you’ve jinxed Eddie Murphy into the Oscar by calling that he can’t get it. Thanks a lot.

    That’s United’s farewell slogan, as I’m pretty darn sure that I hear it every time I get off the plane, and I don’t think I fly anything other than United (which is what happens when you live in a hub town).

  3. bitterspice says:

    Ugh. My browser crashed while I was originally typing these comments, so you get the truncated version.

    “Nothing comes between me and my Calvins.” It means both things that you mentioned, plus the boring third interpretation, which is what the marketing people meant: “I’ll buy these jeans if I want to.” A triple-entendre!

    The “choice of airline” thing is something that Alaska Airlines flight attendants do. It’s much better than the singing that the Southwest flight attendants did the last time I took Southwest somewhere.

    You can call me by my real name if you prefer. Nyssa is a remnant of my old BBS days, when few people used real names. Bitterspice started as a joke, and then I started using it because it’s a lot less common than Nyssa. My real name is actually my real middle name, so there’s even another layer of name-age. My parents don’t like my real first name, even to the point where I think they forget that I have a first name other than Venice.

    Are there really prizes? You can make/have made the existence of prizes to be the running Hucklebug gag. It’s like you’re a real radio show now.

  4. LilyG says:

    Oh no, there are real prizes. I have received them. And while they are appreciated, I can’t say that I ever said “oh wow, a Tai Chi Innerwave DVD!  How did I ever live without one?” Just give them the listener topic of the week, and you too can win prizes

  5. Kellie says:

    Well – I can’t get my smiley to work.  I am not sure – is one smiley “smiley” and 2 smilies “smilies” – it is looking stranger and stranger the more I stare!!

    What about the superbowl commercials – did you watch??  I thought sierra mist was totally wasting their money and I thought the budwiser had some cute ones – I loved the crabs worshiping the cooler.  I also really liked the Chevy ad where all those different types of people were singing Chevy songs – as someone who always has some song going through my head – I thought it was genius!!

    LTOTW prizes – they are a great thing to behold – my prize, the christmas class “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians” will now be an annual event in my household just like Stennie and It’s a Wonderful Life!

    It was a great show – I do love the sock monkey – I had one of these – so it makes me feel nostalgic! 

    Bet – what a sucky low light – that’s pretty bad.  We appreciate your fortitude and moving on with the show.  I would have never known! 

    We watched Little Miss Sunshine this weekend – I actually had already seen it sorta on an airplane a few weeks ago – the screen was small and I had to miss parts when the guy next to me had to pee – but It still made me laugh and a bit teary-eyed.  And it did it too me again this weekend – I hope somebody wins an Oscar for this – it is just very well done – it is a good story and not too trite.  And everytime they pushed the van – it just made them closer as a family – I think I’m going to cry again! Ha!  The only thing that would have been better would have been if we could have seen more of Alan Arkin (of course) – well, what I mean is more of him acting out the dance routine! 

    Stennie – I hope your testimony was so good that they won’t want to go to trial.  Good luck!! 

    Have a good week, ladies!

  6. Michelle says:

    I :Heart: the Hucklebug. That’s my favorite slogan.

    I’m just testing here to see if I can comment from work – and it looks like I can. Anyone want to guess how long it will take for TCTIWF to block the Hucklebug?

    Nyssa – The prizes are for REAL. I’ve gotten two, and I’ve loved them both. Hucklebug prizes rock.

  7. Michelle says:

    And now, from home. Personally, I like the Jewish sock monkey. I think it goes well with the Hitler olive.

    Why don’t you give us the name and address of the prison that is throwing out all of the kitties? I wonder how the warden would respond to a little writing campaign?

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