Episode Forty-Eight

Episode 48:  The legend that is Mel Bay, RIP Calvert DeForest (aka Larry “Bud” Melman), shout-outs, movies, lowlights & highlights, fuck-offs and you-rules, Things That Will Be Illegal When We Rule the World, driver’s licenses, Wordhunter and Bop-It, the end.

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3 Responses to Episode Forty-Eight

  1. ThePete says:

    Hey, first post!

    I enjoyed Larry Bud Melman as well.  He will, indeed, be missed.

    I promise no “Life on Mars” spoilers—especially since you already guessed one, that Sam dies.  Actually, he regenerates just like Dr. Who.  He’s now played by Christopher Eccleston.

    /fanboy “comedian”

    “Man Bites Dog” is an incredibly well made movie.  Yes, it’s sick, dark, sour, disturbing and truly fucked, but it’s a really well-made movie.  Proof of this is that you have such violent feelings for it.  The film is a study/satire of how the media glamorizes violence.  Think about it, the film starts out “documenting” a serial killer.  However, as the film progresses, the film crew gets more and more involved with the serial killing.  It really is a brilliant film, but I’ll admit it—after I watched it, I showered for an hour.  Like Se7en, it’s a movie that tells its story so well, you never EVER need to see it again (or want to).  If you aren’t disgusted by this film I’ve got a Bush Administration for you to work in.

    As far as the accusation of it being cinematic masterbation goes, I feel like a lot of smarter films stumble (or even race) into that realm.  However, I’d rather be masterbatory than defecatory, like most Hollywood filmmakers wink  I’m assuming defecatory is a word.  If not, I just coined it!! HA!  The film I think better fits your description of a film that is a complete, utter, horrible, worthless piece of shit would have to be “Irreversible.”  You should definitely avoid that.  It’s got a rape scene in it that is over 15 minutes long.  I don’t remember any rape scenes that long in “Man Bites Dog”.

    /defender of unpleasant-but-well-made films

    Please don’t forget to do a fuck-off to the undersecretary for education, Sara Martinez

    Don’t just ban spam, ban SPAMMERS.  Force them to cease to exist.  POOF!  Make them go away.  Simply, away.  It’s not execution, it’s simply making it so they never existed.

    I also think cigarettes and smoking should be perfectly legal, but cigarette makers should be banned. wink  At the very least cigarette makers should be forced to become non-profits.

    Bet, bad form playing word hunter!!  SHEESH!!  I don’t play word hunter while listening!!

    OH and I don’t need another HB prize. smile  I have a couple already.  I’d rather pay for some HB merch!!

    Happy late bday, Bet!  Did you mention your bday on the ‘cast previously?  Sorry you lost your cam. 🙁

  2. LilyG says:

    Scary thing—when I heard about Bud, I said to the office “oh damn, Larry Bud Melman died”. Every single person said ‘who?’ Who are these cultural illiterates?

    And if I didn’t have computer solitaire on my computer, I wouldn’t get through conversations with my mother. Click, click, click.

  3. Kellie says:

    Hey ladies – fun stuff again.  I love the idea of no comercials!!  I’d just buy what you said – it is too much work to try to shop around anyway!!

    Also – Kevin, the undead, also has a big problem with cell phone users in the restrooms.  I’ll post that for him and I’ll tell him that you spied him, Bet and I’ll relay the message “Death was your only excuse!”

    Man – I like the idea of no bad haircuts.  I actually had my former hair dresser say (at what turned out to be our final encounter and with no apology in her voice at all) “Well, at least it will grow back.” 

    I wish I could have seen that Ribbon on a Stick talent! 

    Bet – “FO truck lady!!”  Sorry about your camera – I guess that it really still didn’t turn up.  🙁

    Stennie – I loved Bridge to Teribithia – I also read and reread and reread that – thanks for the tissue warning.  I can’t wait to get alone with my box of tissues and watch it!!

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