Episode Forty-Nine

Episode 49:  Soundtracks, RIP Chippie, shout-outs, movies o’ the week, lowlights & highlights, fuck-offs, celebrities are babies, you-rules, Dream Jobs and Not So Dream Jobs, more $25,000 Pyramid.

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3 Responses to Episode Forty-Nine

  1. ThePete says:

    Sorry about Chippy 🙁  My condolences!

    Emoticons make me happy ^_^

    Actually, my two favorite movies of all time are *not* scifi. smile  They are Das Boot and Cinema Paradiso (either version).

    Congratulations on the camera, Bet!!  I understand the new-gadget-tease feeling, but if something works, no need to replace it!

    I don’t get the pitbull/mean dog thing, either.

    I do like how you guys do semi-simultaneous farting.  It’s great when Bet farts in one ear and then Sten follows a half-second later.  It’s just amusing to me for some reason.  I must be bored at work.

    Total agreement with the fuck-offs this week.  In the movie “Little Children” there’s a great line about good looking people.  Won’t give it away, but it was a good line and an enjoyable movie, if not perfect.

    Dreamjob: Travel Blog.  I’d travel the world and write about each place I go—hotels, attractions, cities, dining, etc.

    Ummm… Helium Cat??

    That’s a good band name.

  2. LilyG says:

    Okay, the kids in my office aren’t quite 21. More like 25. Some of them are older than 25, but somewhat distracted, so things like Letterman are above their heads or beneath them. Not quite sure which.

    I think Bet’s lowlight of this week makes up for the cancellation of last week’s.

    And grey hair. Argh. The source of my gray hair (all three of them) happened to point them out to me earlier this week, but then realized the cause and said “I bet I gave you those and probably shouldn’t mention that, should I?” Still seemed to be somewhat gloating over it, though.

    Yup. Text Twist is a killer. I don’t even open it unless I know I’ve got two hours to kill. And I don’t play it at work. Okay, almost never, only when I’m on overtime waiting for someone to get back to me and that’s because they removed solitaire from the network. It’s all their fault.

    I would hate to be a mattress tester. Almost every bed I sleep on that’s not mine I wake up with a backache. So I think most mattresses would not sit well with me and I’d need hazard pay.

    And on the Birthday cake ice cream, it exists. It’s by Turkey Hill and called “Party Cake”. I see it at the grocery store all the time. Bet, if you have a Giant near you, they carry it up here. http://www.turkeyhill.com/products/ice-cream.asp

  3. Kellie says:

    Damn, Chippie.  That’s a terrible way to go.  Once I saw a neighbor’s cat go that way.  Just sad, sad, sad.  My thoughts are with you guys 🙁 sniff, sniff.

    Stennie – about the grey hair – it gets easier.  I remember finding the first one and being horrified.

    Bet – Happy camera reuniting!!  Wow – our picture is saved!!!

    Celebrity Babies – gosh I know what you mean.  Whine, whine, whine.  We don’t want to hear it!

    Congratulations on the Pyramid win!!

    Again – let me say how much I like the “endings” of the show. 

    An Easter comment, we watched “The Ten Commandments” – a favorite Easter tradition of Kevin.  He remembers watching it in the theater – and we like to comment on the effects – which seem to be pretty cool and epic for 1956.  Any thoughts?

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