Episode Fifty

Episode 50:  Hucklebug Golden Anniversary, shout-outs, additional Dream Job, movies (including Rules for Inclusion on the movie list, and the movie that didn’t make the list this week), lowlights & highlights, fuck-offs, misheard phrases.

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7 Responses to Episode Fifty

  1. Capt. A says:

    “Quantum [leap, increase, change]”
    A “quantum” is the SMALLEST change possible in atomic physics, where this term came from.

    “A number of…” can mean anything from zero to infinity.

    “Peruse” is not “scan quickly” it’s “to read closely.”

    Then there’s “issue,” my pick for most misused word of the century, which used to mean something that is debatable or controversial, but now means a problem or anything negative.

    and many more, as I think of them.

  2. LilyG says:

    I wonder if the getting up in the morning thing had anything to do with the Imus quote. He’s been getting up that early since I was a kid, and he’s WAAAAAAAY more cranky now than he was then. He actually used to be funny at one point.

  3. ThePete says:

    First off, can I request a tentative fuck off for the testing lab I work at?  I temp there and they are planning to let me go this Friday (4/20) despite the fact that I have plenty of work to do all day every day and that my boss agrees with me.  There’s a chance my boss could beat back the wolves (her bosses) and they’ll keep me, but it sounds pretty final. 

    But yeah, Sten, I agree—the head writer for MST would have been SWEET.  You know Mike Nelson is still doing commentaries, right?  (Rifftrax.com).  Knowing my crap-memory I’ve mentioned it before.

    Queue up Das Boot the Director’s Cut and stop the mail—it’s a long-ass movie but brilliant.  And yeah, I cry every time I see Cinema Paradiso.  At the end of Das Boot I feel like I’m unworthy to have sat through such a well made film.

    TheWife and I saw Ten Commandments at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood with Charleton Heston in the audience with us.  He did a Q&A that ROCKED.  He even told me I could be his best friend and when he dies he said he’d leave me the loin cloth he wore in Planet of the Apes!!

    Speaking of which, I’m not sure which one Bet’s referring to.  The one where we think Roddy is dead?

    Oh and here’s some more POTA geekiness: I read the original novel written by Pierre Boulle (who wrote the original novel of Bridge on the River Kwai) and the ending has the Heston character actually going back to earth and landing at the base of the Eiffel Tower only to be greeted by… APES!!  Not quite as iconic as the POTA movie, but pretty close to the French equivalent.

    Damn—can’t listen to the rest of the show right now… have to leave another comment tomorrow!  🙁

  4. Michelle says:


    “We have to separate the weed from the shaft.” – from one of the big bosses at work

    Optober – same big bosses. He claims this and “succtinct” are part of the nortern Indiana dialect.

    “I could care less” – pretty much every TV show out there is using this BS. My boss said it today. Don’t people understand how stupid it is to say something like this?



    I got my gift Bet! I love Lamb Chop!

  5. bitterspice says:


    Misused terms: I hate it when people misuse the phrase “beg the question.” This is a philosophy/rhetoric term that means to assume the conclusion when one is creating the premises/arguments. It DOES NOT mean to “raise the question,” which is what everyone thinks it means. “Beg the question” doesn’t even make sense used in that way. Do you “beg the lunch?” How about “beg the date?” “Beg the money?” No. You beg FOR those things. I think people misuse that phrase thinking it implies intelligence. After all, it used to be only philosophers that said it.

    Imus: I can understand the outrage. I can understand his being fired. What I don’t understand is all this damn coverage. There were at least six stories (if you count the online chat and the video coverage, which I did not watch) on the front page of the Washington Post Web site at one point. I had no idea that Don Imus was that popular. The last time I thought of him was a few years ago, when he gave out prizes for books that he thought were underrated. I think he gave a cash prize to the author of “My Year of Meats,” which I believe got sort of mixed reviews (on the mainly good side of mixed, though).

  6. Michelle says:

    Dear The Hucklebug:

    Please add Ticketmaster to the Fuckoff list. They suck.

    Thank you,


  7. ThePete says:

    OK, finished—yeah, I’m with Michelle.  “I could care less.” is hillariously idiotic to say.  I have to bite my tongue to not correct anyone I hear who says this.

    Then, I think George W. Bush should get an extra fuckoff for saying “Nuculer”.  I remember an episode of MST3K where a Martian (in “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians”) traps Santa behind a Nuculer Curtain and Tom Servo asks “Nuculer?”

    It’s such an ignorant way to say a word that we’ve all heard thousands (if not millions) of times in our lives.  Bush might as well say “edumacate” and “acrosst”.

    OH and Bet, congratulations on transfering your vinyl to digital.  I still have a grocery bag full of audio cassettes that I want to convert to mp3.  Never enough time in the day!!

    Say, does the location field mean anything above?  I don’t see anyone else’s locations showing up in their comment posts… hm…….

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