Episode Fifty-Two

Episode 52:  Intro, 52 Pickup, RIP Kitty Carlisle and Boris Yeltsin, shout-outs, Bet’s quick golf story, movies, lowlights & highlights, fuck-offs, Listener Topic of the Week:  TOYS!

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8 Responses to Episode Fifty-Two

  1. Duke says:

    Libel! Libel!
    Now Stennie, be fair. I recommended T-Men as an example of great noir photography, not the best movie in the world. If you have an interest in Film Noir, T-Men is a must see because it embodies the noir visual style.

    Topics for HB-Embarrassing stories your mom insists on repeating endlessly about your childhood to anyone who will listen.

  2. Michelle says:

    So, you don’t like the short, sweet comments?  I just wanted you to know I was listening. I had comments when I was listening, but I was too lazy to take notes that day. Eight hours is a long, long time to remember comments.

    Stenns – how do you know a word like “wind resistance?” What other big words do you know?

    Why don’t you guys watch the same movies next week and play “At The Movies?”

    You know the Cancer thing, or Nick as you’re calling it, sucks really, really bad. But how about us (the Hucklebug Community) do something about it? Like a Podcastathon or a blogathon or something? 12 hours of you guys podcasting or blogging every hour and we all make donations to the American Cancer Society? We can all advertise it on our blogs, and help kick Nick’s ass.

  3. ThePete says:

    Catherine O’Hara played an autoharp in “A Mighty Wind”??

    That must have been quite an acting stretch!

    I know she’s a good actor but, to PLAY an autoharp?

    What the hell is an autoharp?  I remember seeing “A Mighty Wind” and I have no recollection of any autoharp in that movie.  Is it sort of like that instrument Spock played in the Classic Trek?

    “Comin’ out to Eden, yay brother!”

    I’m so glad you enjoy playing the autoharp, poorly or not, Bet!!  Very cool!

    Sten, you’re right about the secret service guys—apparently that dude who told Cheney to fuck off down in New Orleans got detained by secret service and his home searched.  Sure, free speech exists, but sometimes it’ll cost ya.

    Oh yeah—Stennie, what did you think of the Battlestar Galactica finale??  You don’t have to go into detail. smile

    I have to disagree with Bet on that Charlie Brown cartoon—I’ve been waiting for him to shoot Lucy through the head my whole life.  I hate that bitch.  I also feel like there’s some reasonable commentary going on there.  OF course, in connection to the VTM, it’s not the greatest timing.  Then again, free speech doesn’t always mean polite speech.

    I’ve been called worse than a pig by my step-dad smile  While I don’t condone that kind of yelling at offspring, I don’t know what the hubub’s about.  There are many kids that get much worse than that from their parents and that girl is lucky to have rich parents that yell at her, frankly.  Though I am totally cool with telling Alec to fuck off.  He was in “Cat in the Hat”.  That’s enough for me.  Also, whomever leaked that voicemail should fuck off, too.  Thanks for distracting from the important stuff, dammit!  Like why is Rosie leaving the View??


    Hey, why don’t you guys tell cancer to fuck off?

    I’d be out of a temp job, but happily so if cancer did just fuck off.


    Awesome toys—it’s so neat hearing what other folks like in the toy department!  I was a typical boy growing up and I’m much the same now.  GI Joe and Star Wars as a kid and while the franchise is different, I still enjoy the action figure and am even dabbling in the custom toy world of Urban Vinyl.  Check out my Flickr page for pics if anyone is curious about it!

    Thanks for another great show!  Helping the boring job pass quickly!

  4. LilyG says:

    Last week can fuck right off. Big time.

    I do mean curling the tongue like a taco on the sides. I can’t do it—it’s a genetic thing. There’s also some chemical that only certain people can taste (I am one of them) and it’s one of those things they do in high school that they call a “lab”—they give you this little piece of paper to taste. And if you “win” you just start spitting and trying to wipe your tongue off. There’s a topic—bogus ‘experiments’ they made you do in school in order to get science credit. I remember shivering outside in January drawing starmaps.

    And I HATE HATE HATE those monster trucks too. Because you really need them to commute back and forth in suburban DC. And then you feel you should park in the small spaces. Fuck off!

    You crucified Rover? Wow. That’s a hardcore JCS reenactment.

  5. Duke says:

    There once lived a gal in Cancun
    Her autoharps never in tune
    But her sound was still soothing
    And oft times amusing
    Till broke strings ran us out of the room

  6. ThePete says:

    Two things I amazingly (and stupidly) forgot to mention in my last comment:

    1) Bet, I’m so sorry about your lowlight.  I work at a cancer testing clinic and while I don’t deal with patients directly, I do know that a lot of people have cancer and a lot of people live with it for years.  Despite what I uaually sound like on my blog, I’m a big believer in positive thinking.  In this case, everyone should be positive this thing will get beaten! 

    2) Sten, that’s so great about your stuffed animals.  I’m so jealous I didn’t do that as a kid because I’d love to use it in a script some time.  So, you better write it into a script or I will, dammit!!  Say, didn’t I read a Christmas-themed script of yours once?

    OK, enough outta me!!

    PEACE, YO!

  7. Kellie says:

    Happy 52nd ladies.

    My most recent 52 pickup story just happened about a week ago when my kevin initiated Ervin – poor guy – it’s that total deflation of the face that is the worse!!

    I like your kite idea – you must figure out a way for Sherman to get into “space” – that would be soooo cool!!!

    “Sliding Doors” – Stennie, I also think about these types of things – every day there are little decisions that we make and if we choose to be nice or mean to someone who is mean to us, or if we take the long or short route to work, or if we go to “A” or “B” today, how would things be different. It hurts your head to think about it too much – but it really is a fascinating concept!

    Kevin & I were just complaining about those BIIIIG Trucks and SUVs – why in the world does anyone need one??  We decided that if you had some big boat that you needed to haul (and you invited us to go along) that it was OK – otherwise, you dang soccer moms, get over it!!! 

    Heee – I love the picture of Stennie’s “friends” acting out Jesus Christ Superstar – too funny!!

    Toys – I totally remember wanting the Fisher price school house – I played with at places like church or friends houses and I was definitely envious – I did have a cool Sesame Street playset that thanks to the Internet I just found – let me sigh and enjoy for a moment:

    Ha – I love the nativity stories – I have a little ceramic “bear christmas paegent” set where they are all dressed up in the nativity clothes – and I also have a little set with cats having a little christmas party – complete with fireplace and christmas tree and “dad” in a big lazy boy.  Ervin also has found that these are his favorite “toys” at christmas time – we set them up and he totally merges the sets.  The cat baby and baby jesus all eat cake together, the angel uses a cell phone to call the shepards and tell them about baby jesus, and they all hang together by the fire.  Aahhhh, Christmas.

  8. ThePete says:

    Kellie, that is a very cool toy—I seem to recall wanting it when I was a wee lad.

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