Episode Fifty-Seven

Episode 57:  Special guest Scooba-Doo, RIP Charles Nelson Reilly, shout-outs, movies, lowlights, highlights, fuck-offs and a you-rule, CD Mix exchange alternate tracks 11-15—and a quick sign-off in time to go watch The Riches.

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13 Responses to Episode Fifty-Seven

  1. Bet—you need you one them Tivo deals. Seriously. 5 am is too late, even for rock stars.

    Stennie—don’t hate on the Raising Arizona yodeling. The awesomeness of realizing that it’s Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” from the 9th Symphony more that counteracts the desire to shove ball-point pens into one’s ears that yodeling ordinarily elicits. In the interest of full disclosure, I flirted briefly with the idea of using it as my kick-ass cover. Consider this a bullet dodged.

  2. Duke says:

    You two need to take match game lessons. Your answers were way off!

    Dumb Dora was so dumb she thought mistletoe was a _____ (RUNNING SHOE)

    I’m glad someone else thinks Orson Wells is a ham handed, self aggrandizing asshole. He smirks all the time because it’s beneath him to act for lowlifes like us. What a jerk.

    Downfall is awesome. Can’t say enough good about it. It deserves a You Rulz on it’s own.

    I agree Clooney is a class act. He keeps politics to a minimum. Actors that are part time soapbox social preachers piss me off. I don’t give a crap what they think and it’s way unfair they can use thier poularity to preach. They are entitled to their views but not TV time to slop it around. Unless TV gives us the same time too. They’re mostly idiots anyway. Like Rosey O’Dumbass. What a waste of oxygen someone human might need.

    Here’s a good topic for you….NETFLIX!

  3. ThePete says:

    “Sinners” were who Falwell thought were the reason for 911.  He didn’t mention “gambling” but I can guess he’d lump gambling in with being pro-choice and gay and so on.

    You are right, Bet!  I was referring to the “Shaving Cream” song you were thinking of.  Now, the reason I asked you guys about it was because I was hoping you’d have an mp3 of it smile  But since you don’t have one, I spent some of my lunch our googling for one and have made it available at my site here: http://thepete.com/shaving-cream-song

    Personally, I think Rosie should get a You Rule, she may be a fat, obnoxious loudmouth, but she happens to be saying things that are important, unlike Hasslewhatever who is just a neo-con clone.  Yes, them arguing is annoying (and the media coverage is even more annoying), but when she’s bringing up important stuff, in my mind you shouldn’t bag on her because she’s not debonair, handsom George Clooney.  If she were, I suspect you guys would be giving him another You Rule.

    By the way, George Clooney probably should have gotten a You Rule months ago when he and his dad (literally) snuck into the Sudan to document the genocide there.  He went on to testify on the Hill about what they saw.

    Man, maybe he should take a page from Rosie’s book and have a louder mouth about the stuff he does.

    Sorry, I’m always on the side of free speech, no matter how annoying it is.  I’d rather tell the media to fuck off when they make celeb comments into a spectacle.  I mean, do Bill O’Reilly and Geraldo really need to waste air time on someone like Rosie unless they feel threatened by her?

    Incidentally, George Clooney gets a fuck off from me for making that crappy Batman movie.  While I blame Joel Shumacher (sp?) for most of it, you don’t need to be a brain surgeon to know that film was going to suck.

    Scooba Doo is GREAT!  I wonder if you can find mp3s of her on the ‘net…

    So, for the CD mix challenge are there track listings for all of the people who took part?  Or do I have to do some serious blog-hopping to see what everyone came up with?

  4. ThePete says:


  5. LilyG says:

    I am also another Third Man hater. All I remember was some mumbling on a black screen and a clock. Orson Welles was good for shilling wine and not too much else.

    And of COURSE Taytie’s pitch was an accident. How could you think it was anything else?

    And Double Fuck Off to Rosie. I think Elizabeth Hasselbeck isn’t the brightest tool in the shed, but you nailed Rosie. She says the dumbest, inflammatory things, and then acts all indignant when someone calls Bullshit. From what I understand, what happened is that Rosie went after Elizabeth after Elizabeth didn’t try to cover up some dumbass Rosie statement. And I used to like Rosie, but now she’s just a wacko shrill cow.

    And of course George Rules. (He says thank you, BTW) Even though our politics are not always in synch, we work it out like grownups. And making up IS so much fun. It’s so nice to have someone who knows how to behave in public. Knows what celebrity is and isn’t, what it is and isn’t for.

    And here’s a topic. I have to bake something for a summer tea party next week. What screams summer tea party to y’all? I’m kind of tired of lemon shortbread.

  6. Turns out Orson Welles was an early adopter of
    Method Acting.


  7. Bet says:

    May I just pop in and say that Welles thing made me howl with laughter?  God, did I need to howl with laughter, and I did.

    Thank you.

  8. LilyG says:

    In case you don’t have enough music things to talk about this week, here’s another one of these music lists from my local radio station. I’ve posted the link in my blog, or else go here:


  9. Mike says:

    Can I get a fuck-off ready to go for Michael Vick, who may or may not be directly involved in the dogfighting incident on his property in Virginia?  Hell, he deserve one anyway whether or not just for having friends/family who have this shit going on.

  10. Kellie says:

    Bet – I have always been quite scared by Atlanta drivers – at least from my experience, they deserve to be high on the list!  Yikes!

    I really liked Sliding Doors – I’ll have to check out Me, Myself, I

    Bet – Hope your eyes are doing better this week

    Stennie – congrats on the fish – how very exciting!!

    Duke – perfect Match Game answer.

    Loved Scooba Doo!

    CD Mix – Here’s mine
    1. Tuesday Afternoon – Moody Blues
    2. Leaves that are Green – Simon & Garfunkel
    3. Anticipation – Carly Simon
    4. Summertime – Fantasia
    5. Where have all the average people gone?  – Roger Miller
    6. Stephenville, TX – Jewel
    7. Poetry Man – Phoebe Snow
    8. What a Wonderful World – Porter Music Boxes
    9. Twenty-eight Scoops of Ice Cream – Brent Holmes
    10. Fast Car – Tracy Chapman
    11. Seize the Day – Carolyn Arends
    12. The Entertainer – Billy Joel
    13. One – Aimee Mann
    14. Eight days a week – The Beatles
    15. Love potion #9 – The Searchers
    16. The Devil went down to Georgia – Charlie Daniels Band
    17. He Ain’t Heavy – Clay Crosse
    18. Like a Star – Corinne Bailey Rae
    19. She’s always a Woman to Me – Billy Joel
    20. Dreams – Cranberries

  11. ThePete says:


    (and Pyramid!)

  12. Michelle says:

    Awww, I’m so glad you guys gave Bruno his Kudos. He is a kick ass actor. He’s Swiss by the way, not German. That’s why he can do movies in German, French and Italian. Ok, his English is kind of funny, but it is better than some other people’s who should really know better. Like Drinky McDumbass, for example.

    I’m actually surprised none of you or even Mikey mentioned this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0484095/

    This is a link to a movie called Baruto no gakuen – a Japanese WWII flick. I haven’t seen it, but I will.

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