Episode 58: special birthday shout-outs for Krizzer & ThePete, regular shout-outs, movies of the week, highlights & lowlights, fuck-offs and a you-rule, and the final installment of the CD Mix Exchange alternates, tracks 16-20.
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Stennie, I would have thought between the smokes and the, uh, colorful invective that you’d be kindred spirits with Dennis Leary. But combined with the anti-U2 sentiment, I’m beginning to wonder…are you an Olsen Johnson? (”…we DON’T want the Irish!”) Next you’re going to do a fuck-off to Alec Baldwin on general principle and my world is going to collapse on itself. (Have you seen The Ref? If that doesn’t make you a DL fan, nothing will.)
For a suitable Soprano’s dessert, may I suggest a ricotta pie? (Sort of a cheesecake, I think.) Carmella made one during Season 2 when she was trying to get her neighbor’s twin sister to write Meadow a letter of recommendation for Columbia, IIRC.
Awfully nice of you to think of me—I really do appreciate it—but yodeling the classics outside the ironic context of Raising Arizona makes me want to chew on aluminum foil.
Of course men have affairs because those horrible harpies they’re married to won’t put out with regularity. What other reason is there? We all know that it’s all the woman’s fault, hence the need for Muslim women to cover up lest some man be driven astray by a flash of ankle. Or chin. And married ladies—you’re right, all us single females want NOTHING more than to sleep with your husband. I actually know a woman who thinks like that. She’s not that bad because she knows that it’s irrational and she has to watch it, but she does NOT want her husband talking to any other woman. Ever.
Hmm. You can’t go wrong with cannoli for the Sopranos dessert. I’d try to find a place that sells the filling and shells separately so they don’t get mushy and just fill them when you get there. Or sfogliatelle (the ones that look like sea shells). Or a big old NY cheesecake—the kind that weighs a ton. Original flavor, no chocolate and no fruit topping. According to chowhound, there’s a place called Eagle Rock Italian Bakery on Colorado Avenue that has the best Italian pastries in LA. Not sure if that’s anywhere near you. Also Nicolosi’s Pastry shop on Ventura in Encino got a shout out.
Whatever you do do NOT go with tiramisu. That’s some pretentious crap that real Italian-Americans never heard of.
You could get some of those dry amaretto cookies in the red cannister to dunk in a lot of red wine. You could also just make a lot of espresso and have a bottle of anisette to go with it. Italian men really tend not to have sweet teeth—it’s all about the food part for them. But the coffee they do. We may have eaten Italian food, but we got very French for dessert in my house.
Note to self: don’t recommend any more arty-ass foreign feelms to bet. Arte-ass Johnson films, still ok.
Btw, Stennie also hates the Boston Celtics, the Lucky Charms leprechaun, Colm Meaney, and potatoes. Is this significant?
Bet: I agree with you about Rosie. Don’t try to make someone else have to stand up for you. You said it – stand up for what you say if you are going to publicly state your views!
Stennie – that was an accident to put 2 Billy Joel songs. But – we’ll say it was for you!! I’ve got 3 volumes of greatest hits so it’s hard not to pick at least one!!
I’ve only seen him in concert once – and that was when he was touring with Elton John when they were touring – I was 7 mos pregnant with Ervin – who loved it! He kicked for most of the concert.
I’m with Pete – more pyramid if you need filler!!
Ahh, the lovely band “surprise” party! It was much fun, and much unexpected hooplah on my account. The extent was certainly a surprise – but I knew something was up – a few bandies had this conversation with me in the week before “We are really going to miss you. I’m sorry I can’t make it to the party…..Um.. nevermind.” (Person walks
off quickly!) Ha! I certainly feel like I didn’t deserve such a nice send off!
The only thing that keeps me going is knowing I will be able to see picture Sunday each week and hear you guys on the Podcast each week. No pressure, but I will cray for days if you ever stop!!!
Bet: Love the flashback yet again to “I hate Green Acres.”
Stennie: Damn, you hate the leprechaun?? That just isn’t right!!??
BUTTER – don’t know why – but that is very funny!
Potential topic: What question would you like to ask the potential presidential candidates in a debate?
Thanks for the bday wishes!! It was very cool to see Sten in person last Friday night! Yes, Bet, it was indeed one of those hip “Hollywood” “parties”. You know, the kind with a handful of talented, geeky types talking about movies, TV, toys and why Skooby’s hot dogs are so damn good. No drugs or hookers, THIS year.
And I’m actually not quite as old as Stennie said. I’m still a wee lad of 36. Which, you know, is like practically a teenager.
I hear you on the Rosie thing, but I guess I’m so insulated from the media that I was unaware that she was not dealing with the consequences of using her right to free speech very well. All I heard was that she was trying to point out some 911 issues (some I agree with, some not so much, some I felt she needed to go further with) and that the neo-con chick on that show was all about the partyline. See, I told mainstream TV to fuck off long ago and hardly watch any current TV at all these days. Just Daily Show, Colbert Report, Mythbusters, Frontline, PBS’ Now, Bill Moyers, and bits of Keith Olbermann. I do read mainstream news sources and this is where I heard about the mess with Rosie. So, my apologies for basing my views on a portion of the story.
Sten, those cheap tampons you bought were made by exploited child-laborers in Indonesia.
Back in the early 80s I used to watch Bowling for Dollars and LOVED IT. Celebrity Poker on TV is fun, but I have yet to sit through a whole ep.
You guys should start an online list of Fuck Offs you’ve given so we can consult it online to know who we should NOT support. Perhaps a Fuck Off wiki so others can join in on the Fuck-Offery?
I helped shoot a commercial for Food Lion once. 😀
Funny (but real) doctor name of the week: Dr. Butschek.
And when will the next CD mix challenge be? I want to try to plan a hole in my schedule so I can do it.
Great show as always! Sten, great to see you in the H’wood last Friday night! Bet, we thought of you and wished you were there, too!
Damn—forgot to read the other comments first!
Mr. Middlebrow: I agree with you on The Ref, though I don’t really care for DL, despite that movie being good. Ricotta Pie? Do you know what’s in that? Seriously—I’m just curious. I grew up in an Italian household and don’t think I’ve heard of it. I should have suggested tiramisu (I beg to differ with Lily). That’s what comes to my mind when I think of a classic Italian dessert.
OH yeah, and Sten, sorry about the Sopranos finale. I heard it was a bit of an “Eh…” ending. An “Ehnding” if you will. At least there’s talk of a movie, though, right?
And I’m with Kellie who is with me on the Pyramid thing.
How do you confuse the fuck out of an Irishman?
Lean two shovels against the wall and tell them to take their pick.
You want to know one good thing about the Irish?
They’re not the English!
THANK YOU! I’ll be here all week!
Ahhhh HATE Green Acres! God that shit is funny. I also vote for Pyramid or for that matter, Go Fish, or Bingo. Just not Jenga. Jenga is boring.
When do we get an imitation of Stennie from Betster?
Please add my boss, HFC to the Fuck Off list. She really deserves it today.
Zasu tells me that, if I write a comment in the next twenty minutes, I’ll get a shout out.
Okay. I will. Here it is:
I absolutely can’t stand Edward Brunner’s clarinet playing (he plays flat), and Emma Johnson does her vibrato upside down.
Also, I’m quitting the clarinet, and will never play again.
Yours truly,
Capt. A