Episode 60: Our triumphant return from hiatus, shout-outs, On the Lot and Spielberg’s introduction to reality TV, Bet’s movies, belated birthday shout-outs, highlights and lowlights, fuck-offs and you-rules, Sexy Ugly.
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Stennie knows John Cazale….“I know it was you, Fredo! You broke my heart!”
Hey, isn’t the Tulalip casino great? Our casino is right across the street from me and is an eyesore in comparison.
In recalling how to Hucklebug/ck, I think you guys were describing the French Mistake (“Voila!”).
Before Michael Collins the Astronaut, there was another Michael Collins of some historical import (portrayed in the biopic by the redoubtable Liam Neeson). I thought I detected just enough of a smirk in Stennie’s voice to suspect she knows this and she’s fucking with me. It’s a fair cop.
Speaking of “The Wages of Fear,” anybody see “Sorcerer”? Very good, impenetrably dark remake of TWoF by William Friedkin, starring Roy Schieder.
Some excellent (if not drop-dead gorgeous) actresses I find neither sexy nor ugly, per se:
Frances McDormand and Felicity Huffman.
Ileana Douglas and Shelly Duval are interesting/odd looking, and can be sexy under certain circumstances.
She’s not in the movies, but I think Ina Garten is the sexiest woman on the TV.
Alan Arkin I’d classify as Sexy/Nebbish.
Could it be that Michael Caine is sexy in “The Ipcress File” because he’s good in the kitchen? And did I mention that my highlight this week involved perfecting grilled salmon with blackberry sauce?
Also, “Mr. Middlebrow” is strictly a cultural reference, not a physical feature. Unlike my less-oft used German sobriquet “Herr Schwanzstücker.” Oof!
Middlebrow—I have seen Sorcerer and was unware of it’s remake status. Must Netflix both now.
I get the “On the Lot” question a lot, too. Which is really frustrating because I hate reality shows and being on said show (regardless of how good it is) seems like a lame way to make yourself a career.
And I meant vacation from the HB, not your jobs.
LOL—the way Bet said “Fredo” it sounded like “Frito” as in the corn chip. I’m such a city asshole.
More later!
Thanks for the birthday wishes and gifts—Bet, I didn’t pick up the e-card until I got home because internet access was, well, sloooooooow. The few times I checked my mail I decided against anything that was graphics intensive. And I’ll believe that you were only playing Chinese checkers with George. This time.
Your gifts were all sitting there waiting for me on my returns, so of COURSE they were on time. Now, how can I get Michelle to accept that hers (will be/was) on time? Hmmmm. Very nice gifts, thanks. But I wouldn’t compare notes on what you both gave me. Amazon’s software effed up and let lots of people buy the same things. I’m having (e-mail) words with Amazon, and will be sending back a few things. Amazon usually works, but when it doesn’t, it’s a bear. And Bet, I think that one of the things you sent me I’ll have to send you at some point. It will certainly liberate you from having to make up your own recipes for a while. The recipe cards even come with their own preformed commentary. Fluffy Mackerel Pudding indeed.
And there is nothing nicer than coming home to sleep in your own clean bed. I always wash the sheets and towels and clean the bathroom right before I leave so that I come home to a nice clean house. Heavenly.
And airports and airplanes suck. I just did 18 hours in economy on a full plane, including a stop at 2 am where they wake everyone up, do the fumigation and make us all reclaim our baggage in the overheads to make sure no one getting off the plane (who the hell gets off in Senegal?) leaves a nasty behind. Bastards. Never again.