Episode Sixty-Three

Episode 63:  RIP Tammy Faye Messner, Sherman Torgan and Jack B. Sowards, shout-outs, movies, lowlights & highlights, fuck-offs and you-rules, the Hucklebug Amusement Park, plea for topics, podcastathon—coming soon!

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6 Responses to Episode Sixty-Three

  1. Sorry I missed commenting on last week’s show. Bet’s one-two punch dissing TESB and Casablanca left me completely dumbsquizzled and, consequently, trapped in the inner circle of thought*.

    Which reminds me of a topic: guilty-pleasure movies. Stennie’s love and unwavering devotion to Galaxy Quest** is kind of where I’m going. Could be something you think is undeservedly underrated or overlooked. Or it could just be a movie that’s indefensibly mediocre or mainstream—something you’d be loath to acknowledge a fondness for among the the film cognoscenti—but still strikes a chord with you. Extra points for explaining why it’s a guilty pleasure.

    Disclaimer: I finished typing the above just as y’all got to the Hucklebug Amusement Park. Boy, talk about a segue…

    For the Tunnel of Self Love—couldn’t you obviate the toy supply issue with specially modified seating? Maybe build the boats out of old, slightly out-of-balance washing machine parts? Knowwhatimean, nudge/wink.

    *From “Defending Your Life”
    **Not that there’s anything wrong with that

  2. ThePete says:

    Tammy Faye isn’t in heaven because there isn’t a heaven.


    Of course, Sherman Torgan is in heaven.

    Just ‘cuz.

    Atheist humor is weird.

    ANYway… Star Trek 2 is the best-written of the Trek movies, though ST6 always makes me second guess that judgement since ST6 has all this “late great Soviet Union” metaphorical stuff going on. 

    M. Night is overrated PERIOD.  Anyone see “Lady in the Water”?  ‘Nuff said.

    Thank you for your support, Bet!  My apologies if I insulted you regarding Sixth Sense.  I probably waited too long to see it—the hype was still growing, but any hype tends to mess with me.

    What the hell are those Hitch films?? Never heard of them!

    Stennie said “divorcey” smile

    I feel you on your low-light, Sten—actually, Sherman Torgan’s death made me want to go support LA movie theaters even more than usual.  So, TheWife and I went and saw something Friday night—and, as I said in my blog entry about Torgan, the projector bulb did seem a bit more dim after his passing.

    Actually, I like to keep a tidy home.  TheWife cares a lot less 🙁

    Bet, that sounds like you had a great time.  That’s awesome that Kellie—I wish an old friend of mine would stop by every once in a while! wink

    I know how Sten can climb out of her funk!  She can come over to the Westside and hang with TheWife and I!  We can go see a movie at the Aero!  It’ll be fun!

    Of course the drive across Los Angeles will suck majorly, but, no plan is perfect, right?  Just imagine you’re Roy Scheider in “Sorcerer”!  On second thought, maybe you’d better just stay in Burbank. :\

    I will give you a call if/when I get my podcast off the ground again…

    Oh yeah and Bet—there’s that one guy who killed himself during the taping of that show—rather than face the shame of being caught on national TV, he shot himself.  His daughter tried to sue NBC but I think the case got thrown out.

    Regarding that new law in New Zealand, it’s already happening here in a small way.  This is from a post (http://thepete.com/are-us-soldiers-sacrosanct/) TheWife wrote for my site:

    Just read this article about two artists, one in Texas, the other in Austin, who are fighting a Texas law just signed in by the governor which prohibits the use of the names of fallen soldiers for artistic, commercial (or otherwise) use without the soldier’s family’s permission. The artists are trying to get this law revoked on first amendment speech bases.

    Now, I have the utmost respect for GIs—I was almost one myself at one point.  However, I feel like free speech is free speech and this is one of the more inconvenient sides of free speech, but even if I had gone into the military and died, I’d be OK with someone using my image to make a point—especially if it’s against something like the Iraq war (which I’d be against even if I had passed my pilot physical).

    Hucklebugland, right next to Betland, a short commute from Stennieville. 😀

    Gene Hunt? o_O

    Can you shop the Afterglow Giftshop after riding on the Tunnel of Self Love?

    I always thought of that game as “drown the clown”. smile


    Where were you for your favorite fart ever?

    Do you have food that you love to eat but wish you didn’t want to eat it at all?

    Do you believe in aliens?

    Do you believe in conspiracies?

    Do you believe in love after love?

    Do you believe in a friend who is really trying to help but has run out of ideas?

    Do you believe that I am this bored at work?


    I LIED:

    Mr. Middlebrow: I’m lucky—my movie guilty pleasure has been validated—bad movies.  I’ve been a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 since 1991.  I am now a fan of RiffTrax.Com.

    OK now I’m done fo’ realz.

  3. LilyG says:

    Don’t forget, soon it will be time for the Kellie-with-an-IE reunion tour. Don’t despair.

    And if you read my blog, next week you can give Best Buy a great big fuck off from me. A possible topic for next week could be the evil of all of the big box electronic stores. You might have done it once before, but there’s always room for telling them to fuck off. It’s amazing how electronics and car salesmen absolutely don’t feel the need to follow the business practices of the rest of the world, which is make the customer want to buy from you and the customer is always right. Sigh.

  4. Mike says:

    I did, in fact, record a few of the Stanwyck movies that I hadn’t yet seen.  I watched: Night Nurse (***½), A Lost Lady (***), Breakfast For Two (***), These Wilder Years (***), and Annie Oakley (***½).  Nothing essential, but the first and last ones were fun.

    Okay, so I guess I will keep recommending movies.  Have you guys seen the great films noir Crossfire and Nightmare Alley yet?  Robert Ryan is in Crossfire, as is Stennie’s boy Robert Young and a couple of people I really like, Gloria Grahame and Sam Levene.  Rounding out the cast is Bob Mitchum, as sullen as ever.  Nightmare Alley is one of the weirder noirs, but it kicks much ass.  Tyrone Power is in it, as is the great Joan Blondell.

    What else do you need to see?  Small Change,  Bright Young Things, The Perfect Crime (a Spanish film), The Prestige, The Twilight Samurai, The President’s Analyst.

    Blogathon topics?

    *Favorite sketches from various tv sketch shows (SNL, Python, Carol Burnett, SCTV, etc.)
    *Who’d play you in a hucklebug movie made in the 30s
    *Your favorite songs of 1978
    *Famous people with speech impediments
    *Best thing you’ve ever obtained through e-bay

  5. LilyG says:

    Just FYI—with all the talk of ST2:WOK in the last week, guess what I threw in the new DVD player today?


  6. Michelle says:

    I think that Tammy Faye and her clumpy eye makeup are going straight to hell. I’m sorry that the cancer got her, but during her lifetime, she really creeped me out.

    Here’s a topic, or rather, an assignment, for the Blogathon: compose a sizzling five episode soap opera using the names of the regular commenters on the Hucklebug. Use any real details about these people that interest you, but the story should be about as credible as the National Enquirer.

    Here’s a topic for the regular edition: Generally speaking, what is the least attractive part of the human body, male or female?

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