We really wanted to do the Blogathon this year, but due to scheduling conflicts, we’re unable to participate in the organized event. So—we’re doing it anyway! Just, we’re doing it two weeks later. For 24 hours, starting at 9 AM on Saturday August 11 and going until 9 AM EST August 12, we’ll be podcasting short segments every half hour, on the half hour.
We’ll be podcasting to raise money for The American Cancer Society. We need two things: stuff to talk about, and your donations! Click here to donate to the American Cancer Society.
One downside to doing the podcastathon this way, as opposed to going through the Blogathon, is that we don’t have any way to track how much we’ve raised unless people leave us a comment saying, “Hey, I donated $20” or whatever. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can just leave your comment anonymously.
And please leave us topics! We’ll have 48 very short spots to fill, so we’ll need lots to talk about. Also, please LISTEN to the podcastathon, and leave us comments as we go—that’s one last thing we’ll need, moral support.
Just to let everyone know I just made my $25 contribution to the ACS. It’s incredibly easy, and you can even designate where your money goes, and have a card sent to honor or memorialize someone.
Just do it – you know you want to.
I am pledging $5 an hour. Since I don’t have either Bet’s dad’s full name or the names of other people being honored, I haven’t actually made the donation yet.
Also, is there going to be a way to chat with you ladies during the ‘athon?
I’m in for fifty bucks.
Test pledge $30
I done pledged. Bet, expect a card memorializing you.
I’m in for 50 bucks. The conversation had better be good.
My nephew, in brave, valiant, and stalwart Mowing Boy fashion, has waived 50% of his Mowing Boy fee to honor the podcast. So he’s in for $10.
OK, my friend, workmate, and mother figure San just ponied up $10!
Stennie and Betster, I’ve just made my $20 donation to ACS in memory of my Aunt JoAnn who passed away from cancer last year. I’d also like to honor current survivors Melissa and Grandma Schiebel.
who was the first person to. . .haven’t you ever wondered who the first person to scramble eggs was? or the first person to figure out how to eat an artichoke?
what are your favorite words to say? for example, i love the word hemoglobin. pick top 5 letters of alphabet and words that match.
advice for people doing something for the fist time that you know how to do really well. e.g., Bet, how do you choose a clarinet? Stennie, how do you make a podcast? Those are just examples.
If you got to choose, what would your last meal be?
Carrot Top is neither a carrot, nor a top. Discuss.
The rise and fall of Saturday Night Live. What is your favorite season/era?
Which Carey is better: Drew or Jim?
Even if you had a Playboy Playmate body, would you ever go out of the house in just a jog bra and shorts? This happened recently at an event I was hired to photograph and it was the highlight of the evening…not because it was a Playboy Playmate. In fact, it was the furthest thing from it. But it was memorable.
People who type in ALL CAPS. Discuss.
Downloading music w/o paying for it vs. paying for downloads OR buying a (gasp) CD. Discuss.
Favorite holiday. Why?
What is the word you misspell the most often?
Will pledge 10 bucks tonight in honor of Ezra’s little friend from daycare, Jay, who is currently battling cancer.
Also, very sadly, my best buddy, Zooey, the best cat ever, who I just had to put to sleep a few hours ago. His lung collapsed from lung cancer. His sweet little orange face will be missed.
If you owned a restaurant, what type of food would you serve?
Which Tom is better: Cruise or Clancy?
If you had your own tv talk show, who would you invite to talk? and why?
How long do you think until Andy Rooney finally stops whining about if we ever noticed or wondered?
Worst movie experience ever. . .
Favorite curse word.
Would you invite James Lipton, host of Inside The Actors Studio, to dinner?
What is your favorite game to play on a road trip?
Favorite Super Friend (e.g. Wonder Woman, Superman, etc)
Grrrr! I have Jury Duty on Monday. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Top 5 excuses for getting out of jury duty. Be creative and funny. Don’t give me lame ones, like, financial hardship.
Alisa, I’m so sorry to hear about Zooey! He was always such a sweet kitty. Cancer got Rimsey too, and I had to have her put down too—hardest thing I ever did. My condolences on your loss. I know what you’re going through.