Episode Sixty-Four

Episode 64:  When I’m Sixty-Four, RIP’s, highlights, fuck-offs and you-rules, more about the podcastathon, movies, Harry Potter, shout-outs, least favorite (and favorite) parts of the human body, Mr. M’s request, the Movie Quote Game, Changing Rooms, Favorite Brady Bunch episodes.

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7 Responses to Episode Sixty-Four

  1. Mike says:

    Bill Walsh coached at Stanford for two seasons before being hired by the 49ers, and then three more after retiring from the NFL.  Genius?  Oh yeah.

    And you’ve GOT to see Fanny And Alexander.  It may be 5 hours in its longest form, but every minute absolutely rules.  And it’s broken up into 4 parts, so you can spread it out over a few days.  The 3 hour version just flies by.  It is, in this reviewer’s opinion, his best film.  It’s a great one for Christmas, too.

    Also, you’re thinking of Smiles Of A Summer Night, a lovely comedy from 1955.  It’s the long winter nights which drives his more depressing movies, so to balance those out you’ve got to have the summer evenings.

    Also, RIP to Michelangelo Antonionionionioni, a guy whose movies I’m not too crazy about generally, though I did think L’Aventurra and The Passenger were great.

    Geez, who’s left?  Bertolucci and Jean-Luc Godard, and probably some other dudes.

    And that’s how far I’ve gotten so far.

  2. Mike says:

    And I should also mention that F&A;has a great fart joke in it.

  3. Duke says:

    I was on the phone and I thought I heard Stennie say she wanted some spoilers on the new Harry Potter Book. So here they are.
    1. The lightning bolt scar on his forehead came about when his dad dropped him on his head.
    2. Dumbledoofus got him hooked on magic potions so Harry enters detox.
    3. There’s a big scandal when they discover where Harry hides his wand at night.
    4. Harry creates a time portal but accidently ends up on the Enterprise bridge wearing a red shirt. End of Harry.

    Favorite Brady Bunch episode? Isn’t that like listing the best TV dinners?

    I’d like to thank you both for discussing your least favorite parts of the male body. We’re already insecure about our penis so it’s nice to know it’s also the most repulsive thing to look at too. I’ll be ok again after a few more therapy sessions.

    With that in mind, I’m surprised you didn’t ask the movie quote that goes “‘Cuse Me While I Whip This Out *ZIP*”

    I got an idea for your blogathon. Get the phone number of all those who claim they’ll be listening and randomly call someone every hour. That would be great.

    Well, time to address my self esteem issues. Thanks again Stennie.

  4. Kellie says:

    Hello, Hello.  Long lost listener here – just wanted to send you guys a July hello – which is a little behind since it is now August!!  I’m catching up to myself now that I’ve relocated.  I’m going to be out of town on the 11th – so I’m trying to figure out how to post while away from the computer.  Forgive me if I send some testing comments! 

    Love you guys – I’ve got several podcasts to catch up on!

  5. ThePete says:

    Sorry I didn’t comment sooner—no more workies, so I have to make time to listen smile

    Tom Snyder=the nicest guy I’ve ever met.  I used to deliver his mail when I was a wee lad at CBS TV City here in Hollywood back in the heady days of the mid-90s.  Seriously good guy.  I even nearly ran him down with my mail cart once and he just laughed it off saying something like “watch where you’re driving!” with a big grin on his face.  During his interview with Kevin Spacey for the film “Swimming with Sharks” he used my postcards as examples of the promo campaign the producers of the film were using to pimp the film.  The postcards were sent out to assistants all over LA, NY and other cities with abusive lines from the movie on them.  My favorite was “YOU’RE HAPPY, I HATE THAT!” I still have the postcards and I have the interview Snyder did with Spacey on DVD.  Sorry, all tagenty and stuff.


    I think Mr. Middlebrow’s brow isn’t as middled as he puts on!

    Le Pete!  Actually, there was an episode of The 5 Minute Show where I tackled the issue of illegal immigration and had my Mexican immigrant alter-ego on—his name was El Pedro.

    Ironically, I thought “Unbreakable” was M. Night’s best movie, though it was still weak.

    Bet, we have a couch for ya smile

    Gene Hunt IS the sexy ugly guy.

    “OI, Sunshine!  Here’s your new-fangled business!” Gene Hunt quote from the official “Life on Mars” BBC website smile

    I misquoted the Cher song on purpose because I’m an idiot and don’t know the lyrics.

    The CD section in Best Buy is one of the few places in LA left to buy CDs!! 

    They don’t call it bumping uglies for nothing.

    Favorite part of the human body?  Collar bone.  Don’t know why.  A good collar bone makes me go.

    I’m with Mike in mourning Antonionionionioni.  That dude influenced American action movies quite a bit.

  6. ThePete says:

    And no more PUI, guys.

    It made the stinger was completely redundant!

    And when is it ever fun to be the only sober one in a group of friends?

    Well, I can think of one time when I had a video camera on me, but other than that… wink

  7. Ladies, first of all I apologize for completely missing out on all the Podcastathon action. This time of August is inevitably a terrible (and I do mean terrible) time for me, one which I tend to just dig a hole, do my work and my homework, and stay fairly incommunicado. So when I came out of my hole and saw my shadow, one of the first things I did was check up on Status Hucklebug. It was a great, and worthy, and no doubt exhausting project, and I’m so glad to see it went well. 

    MEPPS! I just lost a long comment I wrote about how much I have come to love your podcast. All that extemporaneous praise now mere particles in the aftermath of some sort of annoying e-fart.

    Anyhow, the gist of it was, I never had much expectation that anyone would pay attention to my blog from the outset, so to hear you both talking about me and it on your show was a uniquely giddy thrill for me. It’s one thing to imagine others reading what you’ve written, but quite another to hear them talking about it! And this is as good a time as any to tell you (this is the part that got lost) about how much I appreciate your show. For me it’s like being dropped into a room where you can eavesdrop with impunity (because that’s kind of what the show is designed to feel like) and take as much delight in the conversation, which you two clearly enjoy, as you do in the stuff that’s left in the margins, just outside the lines, stuff you’d have to listen to a fe more episodes to MAYBE understand. This quality is why I like Altman films, and I’m enjoying the Hucklebug in much the same manner. Plus you two are naturally funny together, with at times magical timing. And has anybody ever told you, Stennie, how much you sound like Jodie Foster? (Pardon me if this is a more routine comment than I’m imagining it will be.)

    Okay,a couple movie recommends and then I’m out:

    HAIRSPRAY http://tinyurl.com/299o82
    I’m not kidding. I thought it would be a disaster, and it’s anything but.

    Jean Luc-Godard’s PIERROT LE FOU, currently in limited city-by-city re-release. If I’d seen this movie when I was 19, it would have been a life-changing experience. As it stands, at 47, I’m willing to settle for a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

    THE SIMPSONS MOVIE: It ain’t no South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, but it’s very, very funny.

    ACE IN THE HOLE: Brutal 1951 Billy Wilder follow-up to Sunset Boulevard seemed, to many at the time, too acid and cynical. Now, like Network some 25 years later, we as a society seem to really have grown into it…

    HOLY SHIT! Now that I’ve completely retyped my original comment, the ORIGINAL COMMENT just now, I swear, reappeared right underneath my cursor. You bastard. Of course I will post it as well… Have a great week, Bet and Stennie.


    And I realize I never properly thanked you for the extra-keen shout-out in episode #62. I am here to tell you, I started my blog three years ago in a bubble of very low readership expectations, and now, while it doesn’t exactly have the circulation of The New York Times, it’s still odd for me to think that people are out there reading it and apparently enjoying it. But to HEAR jovial folks like you discussing it was a specially giddy kind of thrill, and I truly appreciate being mentioned on your show. (I was getting a kick out of imagining Stennie jumping up and down. First time I’ve ever gotten THAT reaction!)

    As for the show, in just two short episodes it’s become my favorite thing to listen to while doing the occasional mindless bits of work I have to do here in the office. My job is based in sound, so I generally can’t listen to anything while I’m doing it. But occasionally I have to reconfigure files or do some other e-shuffling, and this is the perfect time to dial up some Hucklebug. I’ve always gotten   a kick out of listening to conversations like the ones you guys have, where I feel like I’m an outsider, yet I understand enough to keep me engaged. (There aren’t so many in-refernces that I feel shut out, or that I couldn’t become familiar with after an episode or two more of listening in.)  It’s like eavesdropping in a place where you’re welcome. (I love movies like this too, where you kjnow there’s important stuff on the sidelines or outside the margins, but you have to work to find it or draw conclusions without it—this is why I like Altman.) And I really enjoy the pleasure you two take in each other’s company. That’s something that can’t be faked. I look forward to many more episodes!

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