Podcastathon 4

Podcastathon 4:  In which we begin our ongoing topic, Ten People Living Or Dead That We Would Invite to Dinner.

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5 Responses to Podcastathon 4

  1. Michelle says:

    I don’t know if I’d want Jesus there. He’s so damned entitled.

    Jack Benny however, yeah. and without Mary. But George Burns would be allowed to bring Gracie.

    I would also like the Smothers Brothers.

    I want Groucho and Karl Marx at my dinner party too. And John Lennon.

  2. LilyG says:

    Now, you got me to play TT, damn you. I just noticed the following entry on the list of excluded words, along with obscenities, foreign words, etc: “words we don’t like”. Ha!

    I got a set that stumped me—ROBDYW, which is good so now I can make breakfast.

    Jesus was also on my list.

  3. Michelle says:

    Oh! I vote guitar! Hammer on!

  4. Michelle says:

    And you guys! I’d love to have the both of you over for dinner.

  5. LilyG says:

    FYI—since I don’t have Skype, I will be posting a few sympathy blogs over at Random Dumb Thoughts in solidarity. Don’t expect them every half hour, though.

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