Podcastathon 5

Podcastathon 5: More Bargain Hunt, James Lipton, Fact or Crap!

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4 Responses to Podcastathon 5

  1. Kellie says:

    I also really liked Eternal Sunshine.  I thougt that getting fired was like that where eveeywhere you look your life starts blurring away – I thought the effects were super cool.  Did you see where Drew Cary was going to be the new Bob Barker??

  2. LilyG says:

    I was going to watch BBC America in sympathy, but they switched over to that show about dirty houses, which I cannot watch. That’s just gross. One would like to think people trash their houses to be on TV, but I just don’t think so.

    No idea on the Marx brothers. I’m too lazy to google them.

  3. Capt. A says:

    I lost my pet beech bark scale to cancer back in ‘74.

  4. Kellie says:

    Fact or crap is cool!  Pets with cancer – that’s just wrong.  I’m going to take my own moment of silence………..Good like with Text Twist & … that Casino game.  I forgot its name.

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