Podcastathon 7

Podcastathon 7:  John Lennon, more people we would invite to dinner.

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3 Responses to Podcastathon 7

  1. Kellie says:

    Amelia E’hart – cool!  I like that idea.  We are looking for the boats.  This phone is working OK – sorry for the typos!!

  2. LilyG says:

    You should smell some of the ones my mother has made. She always seems amused by them “oh dear, that wasn’t the dog…” (Not like she’s going to see this comment)

    Speaking of dinner, I have to head out in a bit, probably after the 12:30 podcast, to buy supplies. What should I make for dinner this week?

  3. Bet says:

    Extra! Extra!  My sister has donated $25 dollars to the cause.

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