Podcastathon 8

Podcastathon 8:  Our theme music, favorite sketches from sketch shows.

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5 Responses to Podcastathon 8

  1. LilyG says:

    Question—are you setting the times on the upload manually, or are you really that good you’re nailing it right on the minute?

    I’m not a “Bicycle Repairman” fan—never grabbed me. I’m blanking on favorites, but I’m going to bet it involved Michael Palin. I will always giggle over Mr. Hilter running for the bye-election in the seaside town (“Cool it, Fuehrer cat” “Sorry, we are English persons—he hasn’t slept since 1945”)

    Sorry, I don’t remember the scandal on the white persons song.

    SNL? Too many to mention. Eddie Murphy teaching Stevie Wonder how to do Stevie. Genius Reagan doing calculations in his head and being smarter than everyone in the room, but playing dumb for the girl scout. Dan Ackroyd as Carter becoming a giant at Three Mile Island and running off with Garrett Morris as the TMI cleaning lady. And for some reason, there was a David Duchovny episode in the later years that was just classic.

    Carol Burnett? Usually very funny, but Mr. Tutweiler got on my wick. And Harvey could never keep a straight face.

    I’m off. Back in a bit.

  2. Michelle says:

    Mr. Roberts Neighborhood – Eddie Murphy from SNL is my favorite moment from that show – or at least, it is tied with his James Brown Hot Tub sketch.


  3. Mike says:

    Fave Python: I’ve never really settled on one favorite sketch, but ones that will always entertain would be the silly voices at the police station, vocational guidance counselor, and the piranha brothers.  Dinsdale!

    Fave SNL: I always come back to The Sinatra Group, with Phil Hartman (RIP) as Frankie and Sting as Billy Idol.

    Fave Carol Burnett sketch: remember the one where a mousy Tim Conway takes a shy Carol Burnett to a fancy restaurant to break up with her, and she makes this huge scene to embarrass him?  That’s one of the few I remember.

    Oh, btw, good morning!  Skype won’t register me, likely because my ISP blocks it.  But I hope others will be able to join in.

  4. Kellie says:

    Loved that “kill the whitey” – holy cow that an old lady really did that!  Does anyone remember the SNL public service announcement about kids swallowing fridge magnets. I seem to remember a kid who would turn towards large metal things – like the bus. Yes, its a treo.

  5. counselors says:

    vocational guidance counselor? what kind of person is that?

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