Podcastathon 11

Podcastathon 11:  More people we’d invite to dinner!  The food talk just keeps on coming! Fact or Crap, Text Twist.

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2 Responses to Podcastathon 11

  1. LilyG says:

    Okay, I’m back. The answer for dinner is—marinated chicken breasts from Trader Joe’s, red peppers sauteed with onions, and fresh tomatoes.

    I do like meatloaf—but that’s more of a winter dish. I make an excellent cheeseburger meatloaf—two artery-cloggers in one dish!

    My last meal would be like Bet’s—lots of wheat and sugar based products that would taste great, and would make me feel so sick I’d want to die. And since I had to give up so many foods anyway, if I can eat it, I don’t feel that bad about it.

    Okay, I’m getting behinder on listening to the ones I missed. Must listen diligently.

  2. Michelle says:

    When do we get the part where you invite ME to dinner?

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