Podcastathon 17

Podcastathon 17  Special guest star Dishy Michelle sings “The Electric Company” theme song!  We also have a go at the Hogan’s Heroe’s theme, and much merriment ensues.  Special guest stars are fun—the rest of you, dig up your microphones!

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6 Responses to Podcastathon 17

  1. stennie says:

    As I’m sure you all know, apostrophe’s are occasionally used for emphasis.  Hogan’s Heroe’s.

  2. LilyG says:

    Woo hoo! Dishy dropped the first f-bomb!  Way to go, Dishy.

    Hmmm, according to my control panel, this machine comes with a built-in microphone. Wow. I just started talking and the lines started to move on the input device. Will have to see if I can Skype. I’m not sure I like the idea that my computer’s been listening to me this whole time.

    Open the pod bay doors, Hal.

  3. Capt. A says:

    Okay, you two. Enough of this. I’ll pledge an additional twenty bucks if NEITHER of you smokes for the next five episodes. Criminey! Doing a blogathon for the Cancer Society and smoking “audibly” at the same time.

    For SHAME! Especially you, Bet, who ain’t hooked yet!

  4. LilyG says:

    Okay, not going to work today. Skype wants a newer version of the operating system than I have, I don’t see a link for previous versions. It looks like they only recently made a mac version and went with the newest OS. Oh well.

  5. Duke says:

    Wow, Dishy sounds…well…DISHY!!! She rocks too!

    More guest appearances from your friends, this is fun

  6. Kellie says:

    Hi Michelle!!!  Excellent job!!  Thank goodness Ervin wasn’t around for that one.  He did listen to #7 because he was jealous.  Damn, I can’t believe I’m on vacation with no Microphone.

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