Hucklebug, Episode 115: RIP Jerry Reed and Don “In a world” LaFontaine, shout-outs, movies (Bet: O Brother Where Art Thou?, To Kill a Mockingbird, And the Ship Sails On; Stennie: Lianna, The Great New Wonderful, In Debt We Trust), lowlights & highlights, fuck-offs and you-rules (RNC Edition), Favorite Urban Legends. This week’s show is extra long, and lots of good stuff left on the cutting room floor.
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Argh. Had a power outage and the computer went off, killing our comments. Mine was “Nope, still never been in a Wal-Mart, and still never really at risk of having to avoid it”. I’m still not sure where a Wal-Mart is—they really don’t have them where I live. Lots of Targets.
The other comment was a lovely bunch of typing (okay, slamming on the keyboard) from Nick-the-child-not-the-cancer. He was either saying “hi”, “I’m hungry” or “I’m Satan, worship me or die”! Who can tell?
– Pop Tarts, frosted strawberry but I was never picky. But I NEVER have them anymore, mostly because I’m afraid of gorging a whole package in one sitting.
– To Kill a Mockingbird, in spite of my blatant fascism.
– Bustin’ up chiffarobes.
– Recalling your urban legends. Mikey and the Pop Rocks was the first one I remember hearing.
– Long walks on the beach, snuggling by the fire, fascism.
– Sarah Palin. She’s got the same vacuous deer-in-headlights look as GWB and Quayle combined. I still think McCain falls short, but I’m really hoping his choice of VP seals it. Sad for the caribou and elk that make up her constituency, but really, since when did Alaska qualify as America? Might as well be Canadian! (So says a resident of Obama’s stomping ground.)
Incidentally, on vacation, accomplished a huge task by making it thru the podcastathon. You guys did a great job, even if you were totally on fumes near the end. I cheated and listened over a few weeks, finishing about a week ago now, and would like to make a small donation (a year later – but better late than never!). Was it the American Cancer Society or a different organization?
You didn’t actually lose me anywhere – I was just being a brat.
Well, now that I know the answers to the quiz, I really do know many of these songs. But apparently not well enough to guess it by a few lyrics.
I’ve heard of fried bologna, but have never tried it. That is definitely a southern thing. I used to eat it with ketchup. When I moved to CT, my friends all ate it with mayo. This was after I’d heard about the roaches in the mayo at Burger King, so not only did I not try the mayo-bologna, but that’s when I quit eating it.
I can’t think of any other urban legends except the one about Richard Gere and the hampster – did you mention that one? I guess because Heidi and I are roughly the same age, she named all of mine.
Oh wait- there is the one about the woman who used glitter spray instead of deodorant before she went to the gynecologist. I could look that up on snopes to get the whole story, but that would be cheating.
You know, if you take a green marker and trace it around the outer edge of a CD, it’ll improve the sound quality.
If your college roommate commits suicide, the university will give you a 4.0 GPA for the semester. (That one must have been concocted during an all-night study session.)
The band 10cc was named after the amount of male ejaculate.
Rice at a wedding = exploding birds.
A fat bearded guy in a red suit comes to your house at Christmas to give you presents, but only if you’ve been good. (I believed that one for years.)
Isn’t it true that it’s the spider eggs in Bubble Yum that cause it to lodge for ten years in your intestines?
Wasn’t The Lovin’ Spoonful the American equivalent of 10cc? The question is [wait for it] which came first?
What about the woman with the peanut butter and the dog?
Keeping it short this week since I’m behind again!
Re: Macs: yes, they’re more expensive than PCs but you get what you pay for. You *can* build Macs from scratch, it’s just illegal and it’s a myth that you can’t upgrade them. Processors true, but RAM is a breeze.
Glad you guys like my political stuff! I won’t be shutting up about politics between now and November. And is it me or does getting shot down make you a SUCKY PILOT? To be fair, it could have just been a lucky shot—well, FOUR lucky shots (I think it was four).
Thanks for not hating TheDad! Yeah, he thought it was supposed to be subtle 🙁
Thanks for the MSM fuck-off and for the C-SPAN you-rule. If you were watching C-SPAN2 during the RNC’s 911 “tribute” you got to see me get mentioned by reporter Leslie Bradshaw—did I mention that last week? See the clip here:
Sorry to plug—just trying to milk my microfame for all it’s worth!
Stennie: I’ve heard the movie “I.O.U.S.A.” is a very good docu. But I don’t want to spend $12 in the theater for a 90 minute docu 🙁 “The Corporation” was worth spending that much for sure, though.
YAY, STENNIE FOR WRITING!! You’re officially writing more than me now 🙁 Well, unless you count snarky blogging (which I don’t).
Hey, you might consider National Novel Writing Month in November. Write 50k words in 30 days and it’s ok if it sucks. explains that it’s about quantity, not quality.
Sten, Daily Show went after the same bullshit from the McCain spokesman. Good point on her comparing herself to a pitbull. Also, you probably *could* call her daughter a whore.
Bet, I’m with you on the Google thing. Blog search is cool, but they have the anti-Midas Touch. Everything they touch freezes in time or gets worse. Sad.
Sten, thank you for the Lieberman comment. That guy is such a fuckhead. Wasn’t it cute how he kept calling himself a Democrat?
Great topic of the week!!
Re: Living things in the NYC subways… you have no idea!!
I’ve heard of a band called The Kidney Thieves!
I have no urban myths to describe. I believe in nothing.
Yes, indeed, you two are an inspiration to humanity!! Fuck Gandhi. Guy was a pussy. I coulda taken him!
Well, this was shorter than last week