Episode 117

Hucklebug, Episode 117
0:00:00 – Music, Chubby Checker, “The Hucklebuck”
0:00:32 – Intro, Happy Rosh Hoshanah, Listener Good News, RIP Paul Newman, shout-outs
0:16:15 – Music, The Birdies, “Hucklebuck 65”
0:16:44 – Movies:  Stennie – The Straight Story; Bet – none!
0:21:35 – Music, Floyd Cramer, “The Hucklebuck”
0:22:01 – Lowlights, highlights, fuck-offs and you-rules
0:45:06 – Music:  Lou Monte, “The Italian Huckle-Buck”
0:46:34 – Topic:  More Movie Mash-Ups – Listener Edition!
1:02:13 – Music:  Sinatra, “The Hucklebuck”
1:02:30 – Tag

New format for posting the show.  Helpful?  Unhelpful?  Boring?  Useless?  Love it, hate it, completely indifferent to it?

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11 Responses to Episode 117

  1. marla b says:

    TMI and too much work for you.  If your listeners are too lazy to listen to the whole show (or FF through the parts they choose, then WHO NEEDS THEM???

    I listen because I care.

    And L’Shana Tovah to you too!!

  2. ThePete says:

    Cool Hand Luke

    That’s it. 

    I wasn’t complaining about spoilers regarding Zero Hour, I was complaining about spoilers from another movie.  And I wasn’t giving you spoilers in repeating a couple of jokes from Newsroom, btw.  At least I don’t consider them spoilers. I consider them reasons to see the show. smile

    And Henry “Hank” Paulson can fuck off along with the rest of the government.  I’m sick of all those idiots.

    Oh yeah and I’d ditch that cash by using it to buy gold shavings.  Gold is so expensive you can’t afford to buy it—just the shavings.  Maybe a pinch of gold raspberry

    Vegas Video suuuucks. I tried it back when I was still a PC guy and couldn’t make it work.  This is after I had learned Premiere and Final Cut.  There was *nothing* intuitive about that damn app.

    Sten, I’m sooo sorry about your kitty.  We have trouble with our older cat where he doesn’t always like to use the box for #2, but he knows what he’s doing when he doesn’t use the box because we call his name and he gets that guilty look.  I decided he was just upset that the cat box hadn’t been scooped in too long.  We try to do it once a day (more as needed) but sometimes we’re busy and/or so are they (in the box).  Could it be that?

    You’ll always be in you thirties to me, Sten!

    Yeah, I would have been a McCain voter in 2000.  They put a seedpod underneath his bed one night.

    Now I hate him so much—almost as much as I hate King George.

    My happy things:
    Part 1: http://12seconds.tv/channel/ThePete/32804
    Part 2: http://12seconds.tv/channel/ThePete/32805
    Part 3: http://12seconds.tv/channel/ThePete/32806
    Part 4: http://12seconds.tv/channel/ThePete/32809
    Part 5: http://12seconds.tv/channel/ThePete/32810

    I shot all of that just for fun last night.

    Whoops! The VP debate is about to start—will finish listening later!

  3. Well done on the mash-ups, ladies. I really thought “Eight Men Out of Sight” would be an easy one.

    Bet, you had it, then lost it when you said that Jennifer Lopez played a blind person in “Out of Sight.”  She was actually an easy-on-the-eyes Federal Marshall smitten by a charming bank robber played by one George Clooney. Granted, it’s an example of a great movie with a lame, generic title and poor packaging, but still.

    I hate to do this, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask for your George Clooney fan club badges.

  4. Patrick says:

    Thanks for the extra shout-outs, but I’m not in a new income bracket by any means. I’m just as screwed financially as the rest of America. Where’s my bailout?

    Re: new format for posting the show. Helpful? To me, not very. Unless of course, it’s embedded in the file itself, but I generally listen straight through. I do see how it could have future use though, so I’m in favor of it, more than the previous format.

    Mashups: 9 for 10 – impressive. And you even got The Longest Day of the Triffids. I knew you’d do well at these. As to the one you missed, if you’d seen it – you’d definitely have gotten Requiem for a Dreamgirls.

    Bet, I too was a GAMES magazine subscriber (World’s Most Ornery Crossword FTW!). It’s probably where I stole the style for clue-writing.

    I got hung up on Mike’s as well – is the gangster’s girlfriend The Lady in Red, perhaps? I’ve also got a guess for Venice’s: is it A Bug’s Life Is Beautiful?

    Happy belated 40th, Stennie!

  5. I was thinking maybe the gangster-girlfriend half was “Mad Dog and Glory.” Otherwise, I got nothin’.

    FWIW, Stennie, you still _sound_ like you’re in your 30s.

  6. Mike says:

    Perhaps if I had said, “a young Japanese doctor…”

    I think Venice’s is Waking Life Is Beautiful.

    I really wanted to use The Longest Day For Night, but Patrick beat me to the Normandy invasion.  Patrick!  (shaking fist, shouting in the air)

  7. ThePete says:

    Wow, movie mashups was a blast!

    Sorry my only submission sucked. 🙁 I’m terrible at coming up with these.  How about this one:

    Desperate astronauts make the long trip from Earth to help a young girl fulfill her dream of wining a talent contest.

    See?  That one’s so easy!!

    All right, how about this one?

    Patrick Swayze and Warren Beatty take on Communism in two very different ways from different angles.


    I am looking forward to Jenga, though.

    Sorry about the economy not getting better, Stennie 🙁  Looks like your man Schiff voted for the new bailout bill, too. If it’s any consolation, so did my new House Rep and Senators (from NY) and my old ones from CA, too.  I don’t understand how they think they can come up with a bill in two weeks to solve a problem that’s been brewing for over a year.  Also, how about they actually hold real debates on this instead of rushing?

    It’s like they prefer rich people over us! raspberry

    And I’m with Patrick—I was so impressed with “Longest Day of the Triffids”.  Siskita and I *just* watched “Triffids” a couple of months back—it was among the first movies we watched on our new TV in our new place. smile  And I did get “Requiem for a Dreamgirls” and I only saw half of that movie.

    OK, that’s it—thanks for another fun show, ladies!  Perhaps if the House had listened this week they would have voted down that bailout! raspberry

  8. LilyG. says:

    Nick is sick. Again. We’re spending part of our sick day listening to the Hucklebug. Here’s what he has to say:

    cxf tju   up89ykmdus   vd f v f   mn   nm.

    So there.

  9. Michelle says:

    ThePete – Please do NOT encourage Jenga!

    L’Shana Tovah to you too!

    I’m amazed at how well and how early Nick is learning the syntax of written English. He puts periods at the end of his sentences.

    Stenns, maybe it is time to up the prozac on the little shitter? Isn’t that why he was on it in the first place?

    My favorite Paul Newman movie would have to be The Sting. It was the first movie I saw with him in it, and at the time, I thought it was pretty damned clever.

    Dishy didn’t get a single one of the movie mashups. I’ve been watching lots and lots of movies lately, but listening to the taglines don’t really tell me much. But for the record, I like listening to these much better than Jenga.

    Good news from me: I’ve finally found someone to paint the condo and rebuild the walls that got moldy!

  10. Mike says:

    Lyrics Quiz!

    One Hit Wonders edition!

    Rules are the same.  All songs used were the sole hits of the artists, though they may have had long and fruitful careers.  The songs are listed in chronological order, but I’m not doing a one song per year thing this time.  Now, name these tunes:

    Because the saddest thing in the whole wide world
    Is to see your baby with another girl

    Why must you hurt me, do what you do
    Listen here, girl, can’t you see I love you
    Make a little effort, try to be true
    I’ll be happy, not so blue

    I feel so lonely night and day
    I can’t get your love, I must stay away
    Well, I need you girl, by my side
    Uh-oh, little girl, would you like to take a ride, now

    Is it me, or is it you
    It’s hard to tell until you’re hit
    But you’ll know it when they hit you
    ‘Cause they hurt a little bit

    In a striped prison suit with no room to move
    He headed for the highway
    With his chain still draggin’
    He thumbed down a wagon

    There are new dreams
    Crowdin’ out old realities
    There’s revolution
    Sweepin’ in like a fresh new breeze
    Let the old world make believe
    It’s blind and deaf and dumb

    To the girls in Frisco to the girls in New York
    To the girls in Texican you gotta understand
    That baby I’m your man

    After a storm there must be a calm
    If you catch me in the farm, you sound your alarm

    I said hey man cut that jive
    And tell me where the chick went
    But he looked at me as spaced as could be
    And said these words but I wonder what he meant

    Where’s your momma gone (where’s your momma gone)
    Little baby boy (little baby boy)

    We’ll add on a sidecar, electric guitar
    We’ll be a trio, the baby makes three, oh

    FM, AM, hits are clickin’
    While the clock is tock-a-tickin’

    Well, at lunchtime you can always find me
    At the Whole Earth Vitamin Bar
    Just sucking on my plain white yogurt
    From my hand thrown pottery jar

    She had some onion rings, she had a pickle
    She forgot to tell me that she didn’t eat meat

    I´d just like to know do you love him or just makin´ time
    By fillin´ his glass with your fast-flowin´ bitter sweet line
    He´ll face the aftertaste when you come home late some night

    I know you know someone that has a negative vibe
    And if you’re trying to make it they only push you aside
    They really don’t have nowhere to go
    Ask them where they’re going, they don’t know

    I’m as bad as they come
    Number two to no one
    I’ve got looks, I’ve got brains
    And I’m breakin’ these chains

    You said forget about the airline
    Let’s take the car and save the fare
    We blew a gasket on the grapevine
    And eighty dollars on repairs

    Well baby, baby, you can tell me when will we meet again
    If I can’t be your one and only then I’ll have to pretend
    Ah, that you’re still with me
    Girl, I love you so affectionately

    I saw you laugh when the knife was twisted
    It still hurts but the pain has shifted
    I’m looking back at the time that drifted by
    But I won’t cry for the wasted years

  11. I know #20! Hint: I included it on my last CD Mix, 007. As for the rest, you’re on your own. Mike is truly living up to his WWRD (What Would Rommel Do?) ethos.

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