Episode 122

Hucklebug, Episode 122: Happy birthday Marla, Happy Guy Fawkes Day to all, RIP Studs Terkel and Madelyn “Toot” Dunham, shout-outs, movies (Stennie: Day of the Triffids, The Ladykillers; Bet: none), highlights & lowlight, fuck-offs and you-rules, All-New Beatles Lyrics Quiz, courtesy of Mike!

Music:  “The Hucklebuck,” performed by (respectively): The Randy Van Horne Singers, Jackie Lee, Mac Curtis, Frank Sinatra.  Also special opening bumper music.

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14 Responses to Episode 122

  1. Kelly says:

    Hi guys!  Long time!  I wanted to hear what you guys had to say about the election, but forgot that you record this on Mondays.

    Anyway, glad Bet’s granny is out and doing well.  Glad Stennie’s mom’s thyroid surgery went okay.  MARILYN-take it easy!!!!  My mom had Para-thyroid surgery years ago and her doctor made the incision in one of her neck wrinkles and you can’t even tell she has a scar!  They had to go in through her vocal cords to get to the little sucker.  Totally weird.

    Love this show!

    Kelly with a Y smile

  2. Patrick says:

    Congrats to all the Obamanaics. (Good luck saying that correctly out loud the first time.)

    NC went blue by 14,000 votes – I give all credit to Mr. Middlebrow. Also, Indiana, a GOP stronghold since 1968, bucked the trend by voting Dem., and my Hoosier in-laws are sufficiently upset. Now, Barack, mind your Ps and Qs before you end up on the fuck-off list.

    Also, Bill Murray can tell you—That horde in Grant Park for the Obama rally is roughly HALF of what would what show up for a Cubs World Series celebration*. (* said while crying in beer for 100th year in a row)

    Aw, little Nick (N.T.C.) didn’t celebrate Halloween? That’s a shame. My son was a race car driver, no matter how much he begged to be a pilot. I’m the superintendent at the school of hard knocks.

    That candy bitch’s house? Should be wrapped in TP by now.

    Oh, so now we can stoop to threats for not having seen movies we like? Fine, after OUT OF SIGHT, I command you to watch IN BRUGES or I’ll shoot this dog. You’ll love Colin Farrell like you never have before, especially if you’ve never loved Colin Farrell before. The dog will appreciate it too.

    Sorry, have to correct you on Studs Terkel in EIGHT MEN OUT. He actually played a sportswriter alongside John Sayles. October 31st is also the day that Fellini and River Phoenix died. Always thought that River’s death eclipsed Fellini, because he was so tragically young.

    You guys kicked butt on the Beatles quiz. Hafta admit, those were tougher than my Beatles quiz. When, for the love of God, will their music be on iTunes? Of course, I can get it illegally, but man…Yoko, Paul: WORK IT OUT. Just like THE BEATLES SONG.

    Anxiously awaiting my HuckleMug, which should deliver soon!

  3. ThePete says:

    Studs rocked. I had to read him in college when I minored in drama.  Then I got to know his personality by listening to him be interviewed a bunch of times on Democracy Now.  Fascinating old guy—Vonnegut will have a cool guy to hang out with now in the afterlife. smile

    Siskita has Knight Rider (the theme) on her cell phone.

    I thought about who the characters on “Battlestar Galactica” and have no idea who they’d vote for.  As viewers of BSG know, there’s a lot of weird-ass stuff that happens politically on there and just when you start to think someone understands how democracy is supposed to work, there’s a coup and your dude is leading it.  Crazy show.  It’s got the temperament of Risk (the board game) with beautiful people and/or good actors as the countries and often very good writing (and sometimes not).

    Now that I think about it, though—I wonder if the fifth cylon is… BARACK OBAMA!!

    Sorry, geek-out, will stop now…

    You did not fail the nerd test, Sten! Sarek (Spock’s dad) was an ambassador to the UFP.

    That was a nerd-out, not a geek-out…

    Isn’t Ricky Ricardo married to an American? That must make him a citizen.

    Do you guys take the train to Asia?

    YAY, GRANNY!  Glad she’s doing better! Will keep praying to the Spanish Pilgrim Gods. 

    Sorry your mom had a thyroidectomy, Sten!  I hope she stops looking like the Frankenstein Monster soon.

    I still think Mr. C. would vote Obama.  Not that it matters NOW!!  WOOOHOOOOO!!

    Last Tuesday evening I was in the middle of Times Square with a few thousand other New Yorkers watching the news on the big screens, expecting there to be a long, drawn out battle to last for days, when suddenly Obama gets California and it was done. 

    Talk about the crowd going wild. 

    After McCain gave his concession speech (also on the jumbotrons in Times Square) they showed Palin and I couldn’t help myself—I yelled “EAT IT, BITCH!”

    One of my prouder moments 😀

    I didn’t jinx it!

    But yeah Rachel Maddow: IT’S A POLL TAXXXXX

    I agree with her, but she annoys me.

    I’M A GODLESS AMERICAN!!  WOOOO!!  Oh wait, I do pray to the Gods of the Spanish Pilgrims.

    I can tell you that because I don’t believe in God, I like killing small children with big hammers.

    The House floor is like a foxhole there are no Atheists there. raspberry

    They’re all satanists.

    “Day of the Triffids” was a blast—Siskita and I quipped to it MST-style just a couple months back.  It was awesome.  Women in b-movies are not always useless to the hetero-males and lesbian women.  😀 Have you guys seen “The Day the Earth Caught Fire”?  It’s a pretty cool disaster movie from around the same period as Triffids.

    In case you’re curious, I’m adding a slew of pictures I’ve taken over the past few months of living in NY.  Check out my Flickrstream here: http://flickr.com/photos/thepete/ 

    I’ve got pics of the Wall Street protest and the Election in Times Square.

    OK, that’s all from here!

  4. LilyG. says:

    Not that you actually care, but Spock’s father was the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth, not the Federation President.

    And not putting Nick-the-child-not-the-cancer into a costume will be the least of things I’ll force him into therapy for. That one won’t even register. But announcement—he’s getting his first tooth! Now when he bites Mommy, it hurts!

    Falling asleep now. Will finish later.

  5. Mike says:

    I’d leave a comment, but I’m working on a visual with Bailey and myself, and can’t be bothered right now.  Maybe later.

  6. venice says:

    I’ve only listened to half the show so far, so here are the first half of my comments. I don’t always have an entire hour to listen to the whole show in one bite (I can only listen on my computer, I’m afraid).

    I’m glad that granny and mom are doing well. If it gets bad and they keep not getting rest, I suggest kidnapping and bringing them to the nearest luxury resort. Would that work?

    Also, I missed the TV characters conversation (sorry—- the first time I had to listen to last week’s show was Monday, and I wouldn’t have gotten my shoutout…). This is so geeky of me to say, but I think the Ricardos would have publicly supported McCain because Ricky is a Cuban exile. I actually don’t know what President-elect Obama’s position is on Cuba, but I think a Republican administration would be preceived to be less likely to open relations with Cuba. (Maybe McCain would have done so if he had been elected after some anti-Castro person in his administration ticked him off.) Ricky would also have the weird belief that a Democrat administration would make him put Lucy in the show. I think Lucy would have been impressed by Sarah Palin, but would have voted for Obama in the privacy booth, because she would have liked the idea of a biracial president for their biracial son to look up to.

    The Mertzes? Former vaudevillians. Definitely a pair of damned liberal entertainer types.

    There is at least one Godless American in Congress. Congressman Pete Stark, who represents the area where I grew up, attends a Unitarian church and does not believe in a higher power. I personally think that attending a church makes a person not an atheist, but Unitarians are OK with being atheist and attending their church.

  7. My buddy Josh at the Palin rally did talk about being accosted by a 70-year-old woman who tore up his sign. Might have been the same guys Bet was talking about. They had a video on YouTube, but had to take it down because it caused a ruckus among some of his (Congressman) Dad’s constituents.

    Patrick (MLL), if you’re giving me credit for NC, you also have to thank Bet for turning VA blue. I also heard on NPR that the Grant Park turnout was limited by the city and/or the campaign for safety reasons, not by a lack of enthusiasm for Obama.

    I’m with you, stennie: I wish someone would run on a secular humanist platform. I would vote (and campaign vigorously) for such a “godless” candidate. That’s pretty much the upshot of the blog I did about the Dole/Hagan spat.

    #20: “I Will”
    And when at last I find you
    Your song will fill the air
    Sing it loud so I can hear you
    Make it easy to be near you
    For the things you do endear you to me
    Oh, you know I will
    I wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllll

    (Dishy used it on CD Mix 4)

  8. Mike says:

    A huge “you rule” for Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia, and my own Ohio!  Man, for the first time in who knows how long, Ohio didn’t stab me in the heart in the election.

    I’ll second Patrick’s recommendation for In Bruges.  Hilarious and heartbreaking.

    Quiz: you’re getting better all the time, I suppose.  (You can’t get no worse.)  The answers:

    1 I’ll Get You (the best of their early singles)
    2 There’s A Place
    3 From Me To You
    4 Don’t Bother Me
    5 Not A Second Time
    6 I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party
    7 What You’re Doing
    8 If I Fell
    9 Any Time At All
    10 Things We Said Today
    11 I’ll Follow The Sun
    12 Wait
    13 I’m Looking Through You
    14 The Night Before
    15 For No One
    16 Getting Better
    17 Fixing A Hole
    18 Don’t Pass Me By
    19 The Inner Light
    20 I Will
    21 Across The Universe
    22 Hey Bulldog
    23 Two Of Us
    24 I’ve Got A Feeling

    If Bet was brought up on the original US Capitol albums, she can get a pass on not knowing There’s A Place.  It never appeared on one of those but instead was on the old Vee Jay album Introducing The Beatles, which was basically the Please Please Me album minus Ask Me Why and the title cut.  But it was also the b-side for the Twist And Shout single, so we may be able to burn her at the stake after all.

    You guys know that Africa is a continent and not a country, right?

  9. Marla JOY Bronstein says:

    WOW. That was a major shoutout!! 

    first of all, let me just say that the reason for the “j” is…no reason.  My middle name is, indeed, Joy, which I am filled with at the outcome and realization of my birthday wish…there was no significance of the lower case-ness, other than the fact that my “auto fill” had that as a typo.  Your curiosity sparked my re-embracing of the name, which is, of course, always bound with “HOPE” at this time of the year.

    As for the Lyrics quiz, I always suck.  I knew two.

    Finally, I beleive it is Mike, yes?, the WKRP fan?  I have a never-worn, souvenier t-shirt I had signed at an event sponsored by a now-defunct local Bay Area radio Station (KFRC) It is signed by Laurie Laughlin and Candace Cameron (from Full House) Charlene Tilton from Dallas, James B. Sikking, Doogie’s favorite dad, and Gordon Jump (who needs no introduction..)…any takers?  If more than one person wants it, I’ll send it to the highest bidder and donate the take to Hucklebug’s favorite charity….Otherwise….it goes to the Goodwill Hall of Fame.

  10. LilyG. says:

    Can I do a fuck-off-by-proxy? Sarah Palin can fuck right off back to that backwater where she comes from and please, please, please shut the hell up. I want her off my airwaves. And she thinks she’s got a future.

    Somehow I don’t think you’ll have a problem giving that one.

  11. Michelle says:

    I already bragged about this in chat, but I just can’t resist the urge to go public with the fact that I got all of the Beatles songs.

    Bet, I know that guy from Johnny Carson. I remember that magician, perhaps not from that show, but he was on TV in my very young youth.

    Here’s a future topic for you: Go see Regligulous and report back. I saw it yesterday and laughed my ass off.

    I would like to issue a You RULE to Lily for fucking off Sarah Palin. What a rush of joy seeing that comment gave me!

    The Baby Pete is just adorable! What a great costume.

    How are Granny and the Mom of Stennie? Maybe the Mother Update should be a regular part of the show?

    There were many in-jokes this episode that went right over my head. What happened to the HB Dictionary?

  12. ThePete says:

    Aw, thanks, Michelle!  There is one pic that was a little creepy—Siskita took it and managed to capture my eyes through the mask in a way that was pretty freaky! I don’t think she’s uploaded it yet.

    I agree with you that a weekly Parents-Update segment might be kinda fun.

  13. Crystal says:

    It feels like it’s been another lifetime since I commented. I’m not completely caught up, and I still have not worked out all the relationships (Patrick and Zachary being the two I’m most confused about), but I have a better handle on the show and its cast of characters. I’m also glad that I didn’t dream that Bet was in a sauerkraut band. I thought it was a figment of my imagination. I’m wondering what a sauerkraut band actually is. Do you just perform at carnivals and fun parks? I’m glad that Bet’s mother is doing well. How is the cigarette cessation going? Have the two of you given up cigarettes?

    November 4 left me completely depressed and angry. Depressed and angry that sexism and homophobia were major factors in the campaign results. The rampant sexism that greeted Senator Clinton and the absolute glee that some men (liberal or conservative) took in attacking her at every opportunity was sickening to watch—attacking her not on the issues, but on the fact that she dared to be a woman running for President. It just goes to show that sexism is stronger than racism. We had the venom aimed at Sarah Palin. I dislike Palin intensely and she deserves derision, but the same people who were attacking her allowed Romney and Huckabee to go virtually unscathed. Now, she *is* the reason McCain was not elected as the McCain people come out and provide details about what an awful person she was. No, sir, she is not the reason you lost. Your decision to choose someone completely unqualified to be vice-president showed how incompetent you’d be as a president. You’re a hypocritical asshole whose only claim to fame is that you were a POW. You have squandered the good will that many had towards you so I say good riddance. You should take this time to determine how many houses you actually own.

    You couldn’t talk about Obama getting this far in the race because he’s black. That was seen as racist, but what exactly was his hook? Others had more liberal records. Others spoke out against the war. Others were great at rallying supporters. What is wrong with liking someone because they are black? It’s worked for the white candidates. It was okay to go after Clinton because she was a woman, but any discussion of Obama’s race (discussed as a positive) was treated as if it were a huge insult.

    The anti-gay, hatemongering propositions passing solidified my discontent. Why are the very people who know what’s it like to be discriminated against the first people to turn around and discriminate against others? You see that with women as well who will turn on women to make themselves look more like a man’s woman. My only comfort is that Jewish voters overwhelmingly voted No on Proposition 8.

    Sorry to get so didactic on my first post back. I just had to vent. Heidi has read a bit of this, but I’m still boiling. My one request is that Bet start watching movies. I thoroughly enjoy her reviews and I miss them terribly.

  14. LilyG. says:

    Okay, one last comment from me. I don’t know if you can answer it, but if not, we’ll throw it over to Mike the Blogless.

    It has to do with the infamous Saturday Night Live “Cowbell” sketch. (You know “I neeeed more cowbell!”). So tonight, I’m driving home and “Don’t Fear the Reaper” comes on. There’s no cowbell!  Was that the original joke? I always thought that that cowbell sounded perfectly right. Or else is it that the radio did something weird and the top bell sound wasn’t conveying across the radio?

    If there really was no cowbell, I’d be crushed. I just figure this is the best place to ask about it. If not you guys, who?

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