Podcastathon ‘09 – 12

blogathon-12.mp3: In which we catch up on some shout-outs.  We have a special guest coming up, as soon as we can get some homework done—stay tuned!

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4 Responses to Podcastathon ‘09 – 12

  1. Judy says:

    I plugged you guys about an hour ago. Not sure I’ve got all that much influence to send people here, but I tried.

  2. Krizzer says:

    I’m awake, and I’m catching up on the episodes so far!  You go gals!

  3. LilyG. says:

    Hi!  Hanging in there—it’s hot as heck, and I’m waiting for the return of Nick.

  4. Krizzer says:

    Topic idea based on Milo:

    Top 5 Cutest TV/Movie Doggies of All Time

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