Stennie’s Favorite YouTube Videos

Some technical difficulties with our next guest, so for this slot, I’m posting links to my favorite YouTube videos!  What are yours?

Noah Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day for Six Years
Auto-Tune the News #6
Where the Hell is Matt?
Pulp Fiction in Typography
Stephen Colbert Fanvid to Weird Al’s “White and Nerdy”

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2 Responses to Stennie’s Favorite YouTube Videos

  1. Judy says:

    I love youtube. I can’t grab a link, becasue I suck like that, but search “Jon Schmidt Love Story”. LOVE.

    How ya doing? As your monitor I just want to make sure you’re doing ok. Let me know if you need anything.

  2. Krizzer says:

    I’m going to have nightmares about that Noah guy staring at me with the same expression on his face as his eyes get more hollow over the years.

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