Five Videos I Love and Therefore You Should See

Hello, Bet here.  Stennie is taking a much needed break right now.  I’m full of DelMonico steak and baked potato, and salad (and I have lots left over for later), so let’s let her walk and stretch and rest.  She posted her five favorite You Tube videos a while back and we’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance to look at them all.  I’ll head that way after posting.

By the way, the TV Gods are not smiling upon us today, there’s not a blasted thing on the tube.  And I can prove this to you by telling you I currently have the television tuned to – Lawrence Welk.  Yes!  Lawrence Welk!  And it’s even a black and white one.  So don’t be surprised if I fall…. clean…. asle…. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Huh? What?

Oh, You Tube.  OK, I don’t know that these are my bar none favorite videos, but they’re all in my “Favorited” section, and they’re ones I do actually go back and watch with regularity.

Let’s go!

1. All The Rage.  Yeah, it’s the new You Tube darling, but I can’t help it.  Within 10 seconds I was hooked, and this video brings a happiness into my heart I just cannot explain. Pure joy.  Hope I don’t get tired of it or tarnished.

2. And It Came To Pass.  I’ve laughed hysterically at this for at least 10 years.  I had it on self-recorded video, lost it over the years, and rediscovered it on You Tube.  Brilliant comedy.

3. The Start Of It All.  Ever wonder how exactly Sherman and Peabody found each other, and where they lived before they came to live with me?  Wonder no more!

4. Ouch!  I don’t think this one will ever get old.  If only it would have happened to Dick Cheney.  In the face.  Turn about, you know.

5. Masks!  This was actually Mr Middlebrow’s first, he gave me the link.  But I love it dearly.  I even used a snippet of its music in one of my Comfy Chair videos.  I dont’ know anything about the rest of the movie, but I don’t think it matters much.

So there, see you 30!

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2 Responses to Five Videos I Love and Therefore You Should See

  1. Michelle says:

    That was AWESOME,DFF!

  2. siskita says:

    #1 made me tear up it’ll confuse future or alien anthropologists regarding Wedding traditions, which I think is great. Awesome.

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