Podcastathon ‘09 – 24

blogathon-24.mp3: Time for more Movie Mash-ups!  Lots of dead air in this episode.  That’s the sound of us thinking.

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5 Responses to Podcastathon ‘09 – 24

  1. LilyG. says:

    Yes, Bet sounds much better this time. No underwater.

    The Kevin Spacey alien movie is the dreadful K-PAX, not sure what the other part is. In it, he eats the banana with the skin on.

  2. Duke says:

    You hurt my feelings making fun of my favorite burger joint.

  3. Kellie says:

    Wow – still going strong 12 hours later!!! Impressive – I’m home from the BBQ and actually got to judge so I’m still a bit full from BBQ. 

    Ladies, you both sound good to me.

  4. Krizzer says:

    LOTS of thunder and lightening here too!

  5. Kellie says:

    Crap those are funny mashups – I’m doing to have to go back and find those I’ve missed.

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