Podcastathon ‘09 – 25

blogathon-25.mp3: In which Dishy returns with more Trivia!  Find out who won—the results may surprise you!!

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7 Responses to Podcastathon ‘09 – 25

  1. Colleen says:

    I just wanted to let you guys know that I’ve featured you on the main Blogathon page, you guys are SO FUNNY!

  2. LilyG. says:

    Woo hoo!

    I suspect I’m going to fall asleep on the couch very soon, which is actually good for you, as it means I”ll wake up in the wee hours of the morning and you’ll have an audience then.

  3. You guys are doing great. That that, cancer!

    Topic/list idea: Five favorite movies adapted from books.

    Here’s an easy movie quote quiz. I had hoped to Skype in and do them live, a la Will Shortz. But between the lateness of the hour and my inability to keep from waking the missus and the man-cub with my stentorian tones and bad celebrity impersonations, I’m having to NOT phone it in.

    So anyway…here’s a list of easy movie quotes with a twist: ID the movie; fix the wrong word. For example, “We’ll always have Peoria.” is from Casablanca, but it should be “Paris.”

    1. Who’s the best pirate you ever saw? You’re lookin’ at ‘im.
    2. Stay close to the cat box. The staircase can be treacherous.
    3. You keep using that gourd. I do not think it means what you think it means.
    4. Put. That collie. Down. Collie is for closers only.
    5. What we have here is failure to remunerate.
    6. Since you’re here and I’m here, doesn’t that make it our slime?
    7. I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my presence.
    8. I know it was you Fredo, you drove my car!

  4. Kellie says:

    Browsing back – how cool that there is an Earth channel.  I like looking at the earth.  The cat pictures are adorable.

    “Oh, you’re really on the wrong map” is going to be a new phrase of mine.

  5. Michelle says:

    I have a correction for you. 7. I do not avoid women, Mandrake, but I do deny them my presence.

    He denies them his essence, not his presence. It’s the fluoride, you know.

  6. Michelle says:

    Oh, never mind. I didn’t read the instructions first and I didn’t realize this was supposed to be wrong on purpose.

  7. Patrick says:

    #16 from the Movie Mashups is supposed to be leading you down the path of Magic Bullet Theory and the :45 mark of this trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfcbshzkvUs

    It’s JFK-PAX. You got all of the 11-15 right. Woohoo!

    Sorry for replicating one of yours, Bet. It’s getting darn near impossible to pick 1. movies that work together like this and 2. movies that haven’t already been done before. Plus, I do actually try to craft these to be tough, but still guessable.

    Finally back to the homestead. Been tricky but I’m finally up to speed.

    Anywho, racking my brains for more topics. Trivia with Dishy is good for me in the meantime.

    All the guests have been great so far. Loved DFF’s recitation/rap. Keep it up!

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