Podcastathon ‘09 – 27

blogathon-27.mp3: In which we play Mr. Middlebrow’s “Easy Movie Quote Game – With a Twist,” and also address some shout-outs.  Patrick solves the mystery of the Missing Movie Mash-Up!

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3 Responses to Podcastathon ‘09 – 27

  1. Kellie says:

    Excellent job on the quizzes – extremely impressive!

    Poor Obama – he did speak too quickly.

    Went to cub scout camp the first part of this week.  Did either of you ever go to camp??  Any favorite camp memories?  I never did go – so I’m living it up through Ervin.  And they let the parents throw tomahawks and use a slingshot and paintballs!!

  2. Mike says:

    I was just watching #1 on Monday!  The Right Stuff, and it’s “pilot.”

  3. ThePete says:

    I knew it was you Frito!


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