Podcastathon ‘09 – 33

blogathon-33.mp3:  Quiz Master Dishy is back with the final round of the Trivial Pursuit challenge!

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6 Responses to Podcastathon ‘09 – 33

  1. LilyG. says:

    Doing some catchup here—here’s a topic—What’s Mike’s secret blog about?

  2. Judy says:

    You guys are popular! Keep up the good work, we’re nearly to the home stretch… let me know if you need anything.

  3. Duke says:

    The answer to Crystal’s word problem about the car and bus speed….the car is traveling 50 mph and the bus 40.

    It’s solved like this

    Bus speed = X
    Car speed = 2X-30

    there are 20 miles between the two vehicles after 2 hours or 10 miles after an hour.

    The difference between the two vehicles is gained by subtracting the two speeds or 2x-30-x. This is how far apart they are at any given time.

    So after an hour you have 2X-30-X = 10 or X-30=10

    or X=40 after you solve for X.

    To check the answer plug it back in the question. In two hours the car will travel 100 miles and the bus 80. That’s 20 miles between them as the question stated so the answer is correct.

    Aren’t you bored all to hell now?

  4. Crystal says:

    MY favorite dog: the dog in THE AWFUL TRUTH. The dog had grown as an actor since THIN MAN.

    LIFE OF BRIAN is next week’s midnight movie at Cedar Lee for those in the area. BTW, who *is* in the Cleveland area? I thought there were one or two.

    Does Heidi ever go to Cinecon held at the Egyptian Theater? All indications are that I will be attending so it would be nice to meet up.

    Bet:MY niece was thrilled when I played the portion of the Hucklebug where you answered her question. She screamed, “She knows my name! She knows my name!”

  5. Krizzer says:

    I’m back.

    Old laptop?  Yes.

    High speed internets?  Yes.

    Microphone?  No.

    So I will not be joining you via skype.  I would if I could!

    You gals are doing great.  I’M getting tired, I can’t imagine how you’re holding up!

  6. Kelly w/ a Y says:

    Hi gang,

    Just checking in.  You’re rocking it out!  Trying to catch a few episodes.  Love the trivia!

    Hair’s all cut!  Love it!  Posted photos on my Facebook page.  Great day!

    Topics for later:

    I have a very lame trivia game on my iPod.  I’ll post some things from it for you to discuss, if you run out of everything else and need a push for that last hour.

    It’s called “What Would You Choose?”

    Lots of categories, let’s go with “Life Events”(I tried to pick the most interesting ones).

    1. Would you choose to:
      a. Live without music
      b. Live without a computer

    2. Would you choose to:
      a. Be the inspiration of a hit song
      b. Be the inspiration of a best-selling book

    3. Would you choose to:
      a. Do something productive that no one knows about.
      b. Party like i’ts 1999, get drunk and end up on YouTube.

    4. Would you choose to:
      a. Know only the month you will die
      b. Know the year you will die

    5. Would you choose to:
      a. Have a T-Rex as a pet
      b. Have the Marshmallow man as a pet

    Good luck!

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