Podcastathon ‘09 – 38

blogathon-38.mp3: In this episode we play Mike’s This or That game, and then we do some shout-outs.  And we’re getting a little punchy.

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4 Responses to Podcastathon ‘09 – 38

  1. Crystal says:

    Marry, Bang, or Kill:
    Alan Arkin, one of the Hackensaw boys (of your choosing), and Keith Olbermann (sp?)
    Meatloaf (the singer not the entree), Ozzy Osbourne, and Elvis Presley in his fat years.
    Ryan Seacrest, Howie Mandel, and Jimmy Fallon.
    George Bush (the one we just got rid of), Sarah Palin, and Jesse Helms.
    Tony Orlando, Captain (Tenille’s husband), and Ron Ely.
    a man with no legs, a man with no arms, an impotent man.
    Perez Hilton, Louella Parsons, and Hedda Hooper.

    It’s BICYCLE THIEVES in the original Italian not BICYCLE THIEF, but it’s usually known in The United States as the latter.

  2. Crystal says:

    After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes
    by Emily Dickinson

    After great pain, a formal feeling comes
    The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs
    The stiff Heart questions was it He, that bore,
    And Yesterday, or Centuries before?
    The Feet, mechanical, go round
    Of Ground, or Air, or Ought
    A Wooden way
    Regardless grown,
    A Quartz contentment, like a stone

    This is the Hour of Lead
    Remembered, if outlived,
    As Freezing persons recollect the Snow
    First-Chill-then Stupor-then the letting go

  3. Crystal says:

    What are your opinions about this quote from Adrienne Rich?
    “Much male fear of feminism is the fear that, in becoming whole human beings, women will cease to mother men, to provide the breast, the lullaby, the continuous attention associated by the infant with the mother. Much male fear of feminism is infantilism—the longing to remain the mother’s son, to possess a woman who exists purely for him.”

  4. Crystal says:

    Strong, talented, and beautiful women, I am throwing in the towel. I am going to bed. I wish I could last longer, but I can not. It’s off to sleep, which brings to mind a poem:

    Sleep by Sir Philip Sidney
    Come Sleep; O Sleep! the certain knot of peace,
    The baiting-place of wit, the balm of woe,
    The poor man’s wealth, the prisoner’s release,
    Th’ indifferent judge between the high and low;
    With shield of proof shield me from out the prease
    Of those fierce darts Despair at me doth throw:
    O make in me those civil wars to cease;
    I will good tribute pay, if thou do so.
    Take thou of me smooth pillows, sweetest bed,
    A chamber deaf to noise and blind of light,
    A rosy garland and a weary head;
    And if these things, as being thine by right,
    Move not thy heavy grace, thou shalt in me,
    Livelier than elsewhere, Stella’s image see.

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