Hucklebug, Episode 711 – There’s a Lot Going On at the 7-Eleven

Episode 711: RIP Dame Maggie Smith, Kris Kristofferson, Pete Rose, and John Amos, Shout-Outs, Movie (Stennie: Don’t Look Up), Highlights, Lowlight, You Rules.

Music: “The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker, and Frank Sinatra.

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2 Responses to Hucklebug, Episode 711 – There’s a Lot Going On at the 7-Eleven

  1. Lily G says:

    So, since you never saw it, here is a link to the Big Bang Theory clips

    Fun factoid, JEJ and Carrie Fisher had never met before in person. When they were in the same room Carrie came over and grabbed him in a hug and said “Dad!”

  2. Tina Kelly says:

    Hi Bet and Stennie.

    Loved the show, it’s just like ‘eves dropping’ on your weekly catch up.

    Helene sounded awful and like you say, people a lot worse off but I know it did not feel like it sitting in the dark on your own so well done gif that bet.

    Was the pub in London we went too with Shay or when we went to the south coast. It was a long time ago, hardly remember yesterday 🤣

    I was thinking of you bet, going back to work and how manic it would have been but you survived to tell the tale.

    Oh Pat and Brian were in the U.K. Again, Weymouth not that far from me now, about an hour and Half.

    I hope you enjoy your week off Bet.

    Take care both, until next time.

    Tina x

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