Hucklebug, Episode 601 – Picked Up the Troubles In My Old Kit Bag

Episode 601: RIP Hal Holbrook and Christopher Plummer, Shout-Outs, Movies (Stennie: Please Stand By), Highlight of the Week, Binge Watch, Lowlight of the Week, Video of the Week, Pet Story, You Rules.

Music: “The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra, “Pet Stories” by Siskita.

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2 Responses to Hucklebug, Episode 601 – Picked Up the Troubles In My Old Kit Bag

  1. The Doug says:

    So since this is a voice to text, I’m going to be opening myself up to another beating over any uncorrected spelling or syntax errors apologies in advance.

    So some of you may know that for a good portion of my working life I was a building contractor. As a kind of direct consequence of being a contractor and a friend of the mayor I also spent nine years on the city of Bellingham planning commission. The planning commission is an all volunteer group that reviews the land use and development regulations,To create a public comment record and then forward recommendations to the city of Bellingham city Council.

    During my time on the planning commission a local builder and developer came on the scene (by the way he’s still around).

    This guy was and is despicable, built cheap shoddy crap pushed every regulation and rule right to the limit and often over.
    Whenever we had a proposal from him or his company we had to scrutinize it to the nth degree to try and figure out how we was going to weasel around some rule or regulation. I would often go out and walk to the sites of his proposed projects to try and figure out what angle he was going to be working. Occasionally I’d have to talk to him, his name is Derek Stebner.
    So from the beginning of me joining the Hucklebug nation whenever I type Stennie it would auto correct to Stebner because Stennie isn’t in my contacts but Stebner is.
    I have now changed his name to Derek Debner and added Stennie to Heidi‘s contact.

    So that’s the history of Stebner

  2. kellie says:

    Doug – that’s the best story ever – the Stebner clarification!!
    Vaccinations: Kevin will be on the short list by early June (turns 65) so hoping we both get vaccinated in the summer. My school just started doing some vaccines for the community yesterday and today – but it is still just based on the rules in Colorado – so no priority for staff/professors unless you work in residence halls or are essential staff. Since E is an RA he might be able to get a vaccination a little earlier.

    Housewarming where you take stuff – that is the best idea ever!!!

    COVID what I am missing – variety. Things are just so much the same every dang day – never know when it is the weekend – I actually let students make office hours appointments on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons so I still Zoom over the weekend. So much same-ness….

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