Hucklebug, Episode 599 – Improvement!

Episode 599: Shout-Outs, Movies (Bet: Get On Up; Stennie: Soul), Bet Improves!, Binge Watch (David Sedaris Master Class), Inventory Day Find, Advice Column, Fuck Off and You Rules.

Music: “The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra.

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2 Responses to Hucklebug, Episode 599 – Improvement!

  1. Kellie says:

    Oh my gosh – the dog talking with buttons. That is amazing. Love seeing Lincoln’s trick! I feel like I should try to teach my cat more. We play hockey with toys back and forth under the bathroom door and she will bring toys and put them in a small box (or in a shoe) by my desk because I keep treats in the drawer and will throw the treat and toy if she does that. But we should probably do something new….
    Clockify is my timetracker. It’s easy to use and I am data/dashboard motivated to stay more on track.

    Bet – Rabbit Hole of the week : Send in the Clowns recordings with English Horn Versus Clarinet soloing. Wow Glenn Close did a great one! This was after listening to Judy Collins version on the 70s channel and wondering how rare it was to hear English Horn. Didn’t know it was written for clarinet.

    It’s almost February!!

  2. Kellie says:

    Happy 600!
    And I was just thinking last week how GREAT siskita’s opening music is!!

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