Hucklebug, Episode 598 – Chaos

Episode 598: RIP Michael Apted, Shout-Outs, Movies (Bet: Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom), Binge Watches (Ted Lasso, The Goes Wrong Show), This Week in Covid, Rabbit Hole, Mom Recap, New Favorite, Fuck Offs and You Rules.

Music: β€œThe Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra, “New Favorite” bumper by Krizzer.

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3 Responses to Hucklebug, Episode 598 – Chaos

  1. Kellie says:

    Ladies – hope all is well – I wish I could have watched more inauguration coverage – but I thought there was some cool stuff on that night. I hope the report is true that Biden told all his staff he didn’t want to hear them disrespecting each other. What a breath of fresh air!

    New year – I’ve got a new time tracker – trying to keep myself more accountable for my time.

    Stennie – hope you got a negative COVID test result! I did my first “spit” test this week. We are now testing every 3 weeks but every other time you can spit instead of the nasal mascara wand in the nose. I kinda wish that I got to insert it into my own nose – but I’m not sure I would do it as well – ha! Where does your sister live? Hope Poppy adapts well πŸ˜‰

    Bet – I feel for you wearing the mask all day. This quarter I’m only wearing it about 4 hours straight teaching once a week – but the rest of the time it comes on and off while I’m in my own office or walking around the main office/hallways. Or I’m teaching online at home πŸ™‚ Did you get your Sirius hooked up in your house yet – you definitely need to explore a way to do that if not! I have had Apple Music for a year and I love it so much – it’s great to be able to explore!

  2. Michelle says:


    I come to you with a cautionary tale of an addictive and dangerous app. It will suck your concentration, fill your head with nonsense parts of songs you don’t know and become your first choice for entertainment. This app is called TikTok. The addiction starts innocently enough when someone sends you a link to a 30 second video of a sweet or smart animal, comedy skit – something you enjoy. The next thing you know, you’re downloading the app and spending all your free time on it.

    However, there is one creator who also has a YouTube channel called I Am Bunny. Maybe you’ve heard about this. Its a stinking cute Sheep-a-doodle whose people are taking part in a study to see how dogs process language. And by pushing buttons, the dog makes its wants and needs known. It’s amazing!

    Anyway, yes. “Chaos” is exactly the right word for 2021 so far. I was hoping that by 1/21, we’d be done talking about the Cheeto Mussolini. But with the trial and the conspiracy theory- spewing maggots and Fox News, I’m wondering if we’ll ever break free?

  3. Michelle says:

    New comment – that was getting too long. Stenns, thank you for sharing your story about packing up and moving your mom. I know it couldn’t have been easy. I hope the long journey is over, and she’s acclimating to your sister’s house. And poor Poppy! They might never get her in a car ever again.

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