Hucklebug, Episode 595 – Like a Barry Manilow Song

Episode 595: Shout-Outs, Movies (Bet: W, Mank), Bet & Stennie at the Binge Watch (Queen’s Gambit), Mom Recap, Fuck Offs and You Rules, Heads Up.

Music: β€œThe Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra.

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One Response to Hucklebug, Episode 595 – Like a Barry Manilow Song

  1. Kellie says:

    Hey Ladies – Merry, Merry Christmas week!!

    Stennie – Hugs to you with your mom’s move east – good and bad. Good luck making it through the next few weeks of back and forth.

    Bet – I’m a week behind but the generic hamburger helper and the $10 – just in tears listening to that – wow. What an amazing person – just don’t make people like that anymore πŸ™‚

    Flight Attendant and The Expanse- we are the non-Netflix people so we are behind on a lot of shows – but we do have HBO Max through Xfinity and we started watching The Flight Attendant. Besides not understanding her lifestyle of ridiculous drinking to the point of blacking out every night – I’m finding it compelling but we can’t watch more than one at a time. It’s a lot to unpack. I’m hoping to start The Expanse (Amazon Prime) the end of the next week and have E join us to watch.

    December is winding down – E will have the first 4 weeks of Spring Semester online so that means he gets to stay home an extra month. So far my school is just starting a week late but not all online. Hoping the vaccine starts to do its thing and we have more and more normalcy by the end of Spring!

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