Hucklebug, Episode 589 – I’m Sick of Being Patient

Episode 589: RIP Eddie Van Halen, Shout-Outs, Movies (Bet: Boys in the Band, Every Night’s a Saturday Night; Stennie: Big Hero 6), Commercial of the Week, Advice Column, Fuck Offs and You Rules.

Music: “The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra.

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One Response to Hucklebug, Episode 589 – I’m Sick of Being Patient

  1. Michelle says:

    Hi ladies,

    Heidi, Heidi, Heidi – tell us about your adventure, how Krizzer saved your life, and what’s the problem with the car? How disappointing you didn’t actually get to see your mom. Is it safe to assume you’ll go next weekend?

    I think you got the advice column just right. Those letters are private.

    And finally, something I’ve been dreading telling people, because saying it out loud makes it more real. The adorable video I posted of Punim today is at least 2 years old. I’m heartbroken to share that Punim recently lost a very brave fight with osteosarcoma. Not ready to share with Facebook. I haven’t been able to really tell anyone in person yet, either. So, can I get a big FUCK OFF to cancer?

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