Hucklebug, Episode 584 – Bet’s Naked, You Guys

Episode 584: Shout-Outs, RIP Chadwick Boseman, Movies (Bet: Fishermans’ Friends, 42), Binge Watch, Lowlight, Camping Recap, Fuck Offs and You Rules.

Music: “The Hucklebuck,” performed by Sierra Rein, Lee Rocker and Frank Sinatra.

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2 Responses to Hucklebug, Episode 584 – Bet’s Naked, You Guys

  1. Kellie says:

    Super Doug – what a wonderful Labor day weekend surprise! So grateful for his kindness to share his bounty and take the time to prepare everything!! And then send to us all far and wide!!

    Bet- my first Avett album Emotionalism had the balled of love and hate – so I learned to love it quick. My first Avett song I remember hearing was I and Love and You. You said it that its so fun to gave them create new stuff thats great and be able to find old stuff.

    It’s September ladies!!! Wish me luck as I enter the world of wipes and masked teaching Monday! My mom made E a couple of these ( he was told to get a mask with a slit to play with)

  2. Donna says:

    Hello Bet, Stennie and the Nation. I won’t even admit to you all how far behind we are in listening. Suffice it to say at this point, we just need to start listening to the current shows which means we will not be caught up on your lives or you pet stories.

    Speaking of pets, Cokie is a challenge but is a sweetheart who loves us, possibly even too much. I am not sure we will ever believe she is safe.

    A huge thanks to Doug for the gift of delicious food sent all the way across the country and for dragging me back in to the Hucklebug nation.

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